Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. How many Long Pork do I have? :/
    If it's a bug, I think it's caused by a fox that ate one of them. Not sure though, I just heard a munching sound a saw a fox running away from the stockpile...

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  2. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Gotta confess, my enthusiasm for the game is waning. Tried playing 38A, observed a bunch of bugs I thought had already been fixed, including two instances where the game hung (requiring a forced shutdown) apparently because a completed/impossible to complete job involving fishpeople corpses had been cancelled or something. Very frustrating.

    I think I'm going to take a break from this and (maybe) check back a couple of months later. I'm tired of playing playtester.
  3. Mizkoukla

    Mizkoukla Member

    What did you think Early Access meant? I mean to be honest, we all know its buggy, we bought it to be able to put our input into the final game. I love this community and how active the devs are. When new things are added, some bugs tend to resurface. That happens. The devs (when these things are reported by *us*) are quick to address the issues or explain when it will possibly be fixed and what is coming up. Negativity is not supported my friend. Either way, Have a nice day. :D
  4. Stuthulhu

    Stuthulhu Member

    Well spoken. If you don't want to play play tester, don't. Wait for release, enjoy the fruits of the team's labor. Hopefully it will be the game you want then. Don't burn yourself out on it now, and don't flak the team with impatience. Take a break!
  5. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Forgive me for expressing my honest frustration; I don't think I was particularly rude and could have been a lot nastier. I'm well aware it's early access but this is one of the buggiest early access games I've ever played and many bugs keep coming back. Case in point.


    Maybe I've been lucky, but other early access games I've tried have felt incomplete, but coherent. Even those who gave it a positive review on Steam often recommend you wait a year or two until its further along while the negative reviews often complain that it's too unstable in its current state - even as an early access game - to justify the price tag. And I don't think it's an unfair assessment.

    That said, think the game should be forgiven its bugginess to a degree given the small dev team and ambitious scale, but I am simply too burnt out on it now. Like I said, I may check back on it later.
    Last edited: May 4, 2015
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    This is a perfectly understandable way to feel! We are hard at work fixing things, adding quality of life stuff, but we launched in Early Access in a really early state, more than you usually saw a couple years ago in the EA marketplace. A lot of these things take time, so we completely understand if people want to take breaks and check again later.
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