Cyril Bildad is friends with himself.

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by RoofLizard, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. RoofLizard

    RoofLizard Member

    June 23, it has been four days since we brought the light of Empire to this stretch of land.

    An odd event occurred in the last twenty four hours that has me distracted. After an early luncheon of boiled cabbage and Dodo beak, the overseer informed me that one Cyril Bildad (who should have been engrossed with the fashioning of planks) had gained an interest in their family lineage; this seemed innocent enough at first, so we spared the whip.

    With disconcerting alacrity, the event concluded on the revelation that Cyril Bildad was his own distant relative. Delighted with this insight, the gentleman proceeded to engage in friendship, with himself... A most peculiar sight indeed which lowered morale of all who were witness.

    Our cook, Mrs. Mudwicke, assures me it is simply a case of irregular humors and suggested introducing soot into his water after the guard has finished the flogging. To be safe, I ordered twelve lashes and have confiscated his boots; we lack a physician so I will act on Mrs. Mudwicke's instruction (and as always attach a proper report to this letter).

    As always, your friend,
    Lord Pumblebrook

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    Xyvik and berkstin like this.
  2. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. Usually, you can't pick your friends nose. Good for Cyril.
    RoofLizard likes this.

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    Whooops. I forgot to include a check to make sure, when doing the "family tree" event, the distant relative isn't YOURSELF. Fixed for next patch. (I also added a check so people with the same last name won't be "distant relatives" either)
  4. Samut

    Samut Member

    That makes me wonder - does CE track colonists just by name or is there an ID #? And if it's the former, is there something in place to ensure multiple colonists don't have the same name?
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    They have both, but they're really just tracked by ID. Nothing is in place (yet) to ensure names aren't repeated; it hasn't happened to me yet (though speaking of low odds results, just yesterday I was testing something with male colonists and ended up with 7 female colonists at the start!).

    We may well go with the assumption that anyone with the same last name is related, though it'll be a bit before we make that at all meaningful.
  6. PeterH

    PeterH Member

    So Cyril is a mite narcissistic. I wouldn't be surprised if he went off to find a dark corner to play with himself ...