Wiki To-Do List and Wiki Discussion

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alephred, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    It's just a matter of having someone sit down and do it, really. Alianin set up a nice infobox template for version information here:

    As far as I'm aware, Rahbek was just taking the info directly from published patch notes.
  2. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    The revisions have been updated on the wiki.

    I'll upload the latest icons tomorrow.
  3. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    13 thought icons were added.
  4. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    21 new and updated icons were added.
  5. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

  6. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    * the Refinery, old Metalworks, and Arsenal are now all obsolete; combined into a single workshop
    * pistol upgrade: revolver, muskets upgrade to carbines

    These are done.
  7. Trifler

    Trifler Member

    I added infoboxes for the ovens, kilns, smelters, and forge. I was able to find icons for everything I needed except the Iron Oven.

    I also added some to the quick start guide.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Alianin likes this.
  8. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Awesome! I'll get around to updated the Big List at some point, probably after I'm done playing with Revision 40.
  9. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    I added the icon for the iron oven. Thank you for the updates, Trifler!
  10. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    So i was thinking about low hanging fruit to populate the wiki, and i think some of our data should be pretty easy to scrape if you're already doing that elsewhere.

    job_times.edb has plaintext information for every job, and within every job, how many game ticks it takes to do a job (each tick is ~1/10 sec), and how many things you get from each job for each module that can make those things.

    buildings.xml contains code for each module, along with their dimensions, descriptions, and what the required components are to make them. Worth noting that they require item categories, not specific items, to be made. For example the Carpentry Workbench needs 2 things with the tag "timber", which (at the moment I believe) is limited to bamboo and raw lumber.

    Lastly the commodity "Logs" is defined in commodity.edb and it includes the model information, the description of the item, and what tags it carries.
    Turbo164, Samut and Alianin like this.
  11. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    (This stuff changes from patch to patch a bit as we balance things, but if you get a scraper running automatically, this data is probably where the real meat is for the wiki.)
  12. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    Thank you for the information and clarification! I'll work on incorporating these into the wiki. Modules we have the framework for, but now that the jobs system has been ironed out more, I can build an infobox for that.
    Daniel likes this.
  13. PeterH

    PeterH Member

    I think what would be really useful in terms of playing the game better would be some information on efficiency of different modules: stone oven vs. iron oven, stone crucible vs. iron smelter, wooden brew tank vs. mechanical brew tank. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any files that might contain such information, or where they might be located so I haven't been able to try to add that info to the wiki.
    There's nothing in the wiki so far beyond "iron oven is more efficient than stone" --- but at what rate?
  14. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    We're going to get this info actually into the game UI, but in the mean time I can point you to the info you're after in the files. The table of values for this are in job_times. Here's the info for "Make Planks" at the top of the file.

    You'll see that carpentry workbench has two tables of data: skill_times and amounts, corresponding to the output for a given skill level of middle-class character, and time that production takes.

    The workbench takes ~18 seconds to make 2 planks at minimum skill, where the power saw takes ~15 for the same amount. At level 4 carpentry skill the workbench has the same output but does it in 4.5 seconds, the power saw in 2.2 seconds.

    That same pattern follows through all of the jobs.

    Entity {
        name = "Make Planks",
        baseline_time = 50,
        skill = "carpentry",
        animations = {
            ["Carpentry Workbench"] =
                 drop_item_animation = "drop_item_h4",
                 pickup_item_animation = "lift_item_h4",
                 animation = "workbench_saw",
                 tool = "models\\props\\sawH.upm",
                time = 200,
                skill_times = {180, 160, 90, 45},
                amounts = {2, 2, 2, 2}
            ["Power Saw"] =
                animation = "workbench_generic",
                module_animation = "sawing",
                time = 200,  
                skill_times = {150, 110, 45, 22},
                amounts = {2, 2, 2, 2}
    Samut and Alianin like this.
  15. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    Can we expect the values to change such that lower skill results in slower output from the improved module? Or some other disadvantage? I thought I read somewhere that using the advanced tools while unskilled had drawbacks...
  16. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    As far as I recall that actually does happen in a bunch of places. David has had more time for balancing than I have lately though so I can't be sure; I'm still in UI purgatory.
  17. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    I am still at work, else I'd go data diving in the files and discover these things myself. ;)
  18. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    :D I'd expect the actual values of these things to change significantly w/ balancing, but the format of the data isn't likely to.
  19. Blyn

    Blyn Member

    I don't know how to wiki.

    The Mechanical Republic

    The Mechanical Republic (Republique Mechanique) is a sovereign state and world power. Egalitarian and revolutionary, the republic is led by a complex thinking machine known as L'auto-Dictateur.

    As a colonial power they may have a presence near your own colony and will interact with it based on current diplomatic relations.

    The Novorusian Empire

    The Novorusian Empire (Novorus Imperiya) is a sovereign state ruled by the despotic Tzar of Novorus from the safety of his ever-travelling fortress-train.

    As a colonial power they may have a presence near your own colony and will interact with it based on current diplomatic relations.

    The Grand Duchy of Stahlmark

    The Grand Duchy of Stahlmark (Grossherzogtum von Stahlmark) is a sovereign state characterized by the cold discipline of their stalwart military. They are often criticized for frequently engaging in shocking experiments.

    As a colonial power they may have a presence near your own colony and will interact with it based on current diplomatic relations.
  20. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I'll enter stuff in this thread into the wiki for you. Thanks!
    Blyn likes this.