Clarification on Barracks behaviour

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Tikigod, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Don't want to post this as a bug in case I'm just missing something with the barracks training behaviour.

    So my NCO died early on to a hostile troop attack, so I built a barracks and assigned a workcrew to it converting it to a militia. Colony had sufficient firearms and combat supplies to equip the full militia and they act as militia as intended.

    But what seems broken is that have not done any training at all, and for over a week have just remained as untrained militia. So is that intended behaviour due to the fact that there is no trained military NCO to train the troops? Or should militia workcrew leaders be training troops as well?
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    It was intended that an NCO without any military skill could not train troops, but with no other way to gain skill and with skill levels being awkward to query, I'll remove that limitation until we get proper infrastructure in to support this mechanic.
    Andouce and Retrospecialist like this.
  3. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    Ah that makes entire sense why most of the time nothing is happening :p
  4. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Thought this might be the case. Thanks for clearing the matter up.

    Rather than artificially disable that behaviour, might be better to a better idea just to notify the player in instances where the requirements aren't met.

    I wouldn't really consider the current behaviour bad or game breaking, militia are fully able to fill the needs to defence and multiple barracks for multiple militia groups isn't really any hardship (Though sufficient worker population to fill the militia is slightly more an issue).

    Even just a explanation telling you that the militia NCO has no military training to pass on to the troop and so training isn't possible would be sufficient to get rid of the confusion on if something should be happening or not.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  5. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    Two part question: Did you end up going ahead with removing this limitation? Did that change make it into 42?

    For the record, I agree with Tikigod... knowing that reason behind the issue is enough for me for now, so I am not pushing for the change...
  6. I don't think it did, I don't see my NCO training militia footsoldiers. I've not got a militia NCO yet but we'll see.
  7. Andouce

    Andouce Member

    Can't say I have seen my regular NCO training soldiers either. But we shall see! To be honest they have been too busy attempting to defend the colony from multiple bandit and foreign invasions.

    EDIT: below - pretty much although my NCO has no "Military training" trait or that. But there level in the skill is their best :)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  8. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    I didn't see any training in going on in 41D or 41E. I had thought I needed the NCO to have the "military training" trait, but that didn't do anything. I didn't look to see if anyone immigrated with their military skill at "not terrible". I assumed every new immigrant was "terrible" at everything.
  9. In the game I'm currently working on, my NCO did indeed train the militia under his command into a proper footsoldier. They weren't assigned to a barracks though, which I had thought was a requirement of any training to occur. Was I wrong about this assumption or did something happen in my game that shouldn't have happened?

    Also, same game, the Militia NCO that I had assigned to a Barracks, at some point that I didn't notice, turned into an Artisan, complete with a new outfit. Thinking this some glitch, I unassigned and reassigned them to the Barracks for fear that they may not defend if the game was still counting them as being an Artisan when bandits or fishpeople came knocking. Upon reassignment back to the Barracks, the Artisan became a proper redcoated NCO. Again....was this supposed to happen, or am I dealing with an oddity?
  10. Troutbane

    Troutbane Member

    I have seen this happen with two different NCOs with military training. When unassigned, they lost their Military Training trait.
  11. Well, this wasn't originally an NCO at all, just a regular Overseer that I had assigned to the Barracks simply to have some extra defense. They didn't have the Military Training trait, they had the...I think it's Hale and Hearty or somesuch, the one where they recover from wounds quicker and suchlike. But yeah, they went from an Overseer to Militia NCO (browncoat) upon assignment to the Barracks, 2-3 game days later (I'm not sure because I wasn't paying attention as I wasn't expecting this to happen at all) I noticed they weren't wearing the browncoat anymore, so I looked and it said they were an Artisan now. Unassigned from the Barracks, still an Artisan. Reassigned and POOF! A proper NCO now. I'll have to look and see if they still have that same trait, I didn't even think to check that at all.
  12. I double checked that, they do indeed still have the Hale and Hearty trait, no Military Training. The original NCO didn't have Military Training either, just Patriotic.
  13. Vexare

    Vexare Member

    Hi - new member and gameplayer here, first post. I've joined up so I can help sort out some of the things I'm seeing as I learn and try to understand what's intentional and what's a bug. Sometimes I just think I'm doing things wrong and it helps to read the reports here.

    Your incidence is exactly what just happened to me last night in my game with barracks and Militia. My Overseer of the Militia group suddenly became an Artisan and was chasing after bandits in that outfit. I thought I'd done something wrong so I disbanded the work crew and recreated it and suddenly that Overseer went from the militia outfit to the NCO outfit. Something's a bit wonky there.
  14. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    It's a bug that occurs when your overseer level up in military skill. I wrote about it here:
  15. Vexare

    Vexare Member

    PartTimeVillain likes this.
  16. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Fixed for 42A!
    Vexare likes this.