So it seems that people will just wander around while being slowly killed by giant beetles. People walk by, no one lifts a finger to help. Slowly but surely 3 giant beetles kill everyone/nearly everyone in the colony. In the rare occasions where the "hunt" command actually causes someone to attack and kill the giant beetles, they explode into a load of smaller beetles that then destroy all the crops and no one does a thing to stop them and then we all starve (because the two or three lumps of beetle meat is not enough to replace the 4 or 5 fields worth of food they just destroyed, even if most people are now dead) So giant beetles = game over? As soon as I seem them, start a new game? Seems a bit harsh to not give a way out of this.
Switching on "hunting" should let people fight the beetles (in 42D+). For the next update, any animal that actually damages a human will be flagged as a hostile and thus causing civilians to flee and soldiers to automatically attack. So: fixed! (OC-3958)
They should. If this is about hunting at night, you'd have to enable their work-shift during the two nighttime shifts via the Work Crew panel.
No, this is about responding to beetle invasions at night. As a mac user, this version is my first experience with A42, so I may have missed some changes. Do the beetles on the rampage have to attack a person to trigger military response, or will the damage to the crops be enough?
Post 42E, bettles must damage an actual character to be flagged as a military target. Damaging crops won't trigger a military response - but will cause colonists to "shoo" the animal away, if noticed.
I'll be on the lookout for smart beetles who only come out at night and refuse to engage with my colonists.
I'm hoping that's actual damaging and not just initiating a attack? As I've seen Auroch chase people and head butt them but not hurt them, and would be somewhat annoying if suddenly my colonists start running for the hills and everything grinds to a standstill just because a horny cow was trying to get with a disinterested colonist. Also, I'd also like to throw my lot into asking for some more reactions to beetles attacking at night. It's extremely annoying when they attack at night and actually end up managing to wipe out your entire colonies crop reserves but because everyone is asleep and because giant beetles rampaging through your crops apparently is something that wouldn't disturb your sleep, there's not much you can do in reaction to it occurring.