I just have a myriad of random questions that don't have an underlying theme but that I'm curious about 1: If food is cooked does it reduce hunger more than it not being cooked, or does it being cooked only relate to happiness? If food needs to be cooked in order to decrease hunger more, I'm really hoping that the colonists get a bit more will power in regards to holding off on eating things until they are cooked, because right now it seems like they just eat things right out of the gardner. 2. Farming is really hard this patch thus far. I have my entire colony working huge tracts of land and people are still constantly on the cusp of starvation. Is this level of difficulty in feeding the colony intentional? And will sulpher fertilizer help to alleviate this problem? Does the fertilizer work yet? 3: is there anyway to make my troops pick up a better version gun? They seem to insist on walking around with the old single shot muskets and pistols despite having 11 carbines and 8 revolvers no matter how much I forbid the items. 4: Will monsters be able to eventually bash through walls and doors? As it is gabions seem kind of less than useful as they are pretty expensive, and you can get the same effect that they provide by simply building a cheap building somewhere to block things off. I hope gabions will eventually get further utillity perhaps by allowing troops to take cover behind them, or by doing damage to an enemy that attacks them.
I think cooked vs raw only impacts happiness as far as I can observe. I could be wrong. For farming, one plot of 10x14 land usually seems good to sustain one fully staffed, farming only workcrew. If you have extra laborers, you can have them set to farm and be active when your other farmers are sleeping so that you can get in that little extra bit of farm time. Custom gun loadouts aren't in yet, but will be: https://www.gaslampgames.com/2015/09/23/strange-moods-at-gaslamp-games/
When firefox restarted it undid my edit, so I want to say that I actually really enjoy the idea of farming pre fertilizer keeping your colony on the brink of starvation. Like you have *just* enough food to not starve to death but everyone is deathly hungry. In my game we killed some bandits and the second both of them were dead six people jumped on them and chopped them up and ate them. But I feel like fertilizer should be like the thing that lets you get more food, and cooking food should make colonists happier and make food last longer.
Good times. Good times. P.S. I assume when you say 'we' it is similar to when sports fans saying 'We won!" when their favorite teams win.
Oh also a few more questions I just remembered, are there any plans on being able to do stuff with all the extra crap you don't want? I have tons of guns from dead bandits and foreigners and it's my hope that some day I can melt them down for spare metal. Also some copper plates and iron plates from bandit camps that I would like to be ingots and pipes. Also what causes the amount of people in an overseer's party to increase? Is it their class standing or some skill being leveled up? Finally will there eventually be some sort of way to cordon off an area from colonists? I have many colonists that want to sleep in my "abandoned" mines that are very far away for some reason and they keep getting murdered walking to there and from there. I'd like to make it so colonists don't go there any more.
This is actually fairly random. When the Government decides to send you new lower-class colonists, they are simply assigned on a 'first-come, first-served' basis. In other words, if 3 LC colonists are sent, the first one will go to the first work crew on your list, the 2nd to the 2nd, and so on. The next batch will start with the first overseer who has no workers, and so on, in a basic attempt to evenly distribute workers. Unfortunately this means that 'overseers' who really don't need workers like Vicars and Naturalists get workers auto-assigned to them. Also, NCO's do NOT automatically get any workers assigned to them. Luckily you can reassign them to your heart's content, but I am hoping that eventually we will be able to prioritize who gets workers and designate overseers to not get any at all.
also what's the deal with a new overseer automatically having all tasks disabled when they first spawn? This drives me crazy.
Just to be sure that we are talking about the same thing, i don't mean what causes a group to get more people in general, I mean like each overseer has like a max of 4 people he can command, or 4 people that can be in his group. Then there are some other people who are able to have a max of 5 people that they can command. Are you saying that what makes someone able to command 5 people instead of 4 is that they are randomly assigned a new person?
Yes, fertilizer, farming skill level, animal husbandry and most importantly the knowledge from the vast terrifying voices in the cosmos should all be ways that we can avoid starvation!
No, what I am saying is that I totally misunderstood your question. I do not actually know about the cap. I was under the impression it was at 4 for everyone (it used to be higher than that)
I believe that is a bug when you get over 100 people. I think you can reproduce it like this: Save up a bunch of prestige. Get to 90 ish population. Leave the game sitting for a couple hours. Preferably you want to have a large army to automatically defend, or have made peace with the bandits or something. Anyway, when you come back to the game, you should have a bunch of notifications on your screen, including a bunch of immigration notifications. Accept them all for extra immigration. Depending on how much prestige you had saved up and how long you left the game running, you could potentially end up with a whole crapload of colonists over 100.
I'm sitting at about 50 or 60 people and 3 of my 10 overseers can command 5 people while the rest can only command 4. I kind of assumed this was because they had either had some skill level up or because they had one of their desires fulfilled as it happened to several people who fulfilled the "own middleclass bed" thing. I had assumed that they can command more people if they achieve their desires or whatever.
Going on a previous dev post floating around, there isn't actually a hard cap in place for workcrew capacity, but rather the player is only able to allocate 4 workers to a crew themselves through the existing interface. But if the game for whatever reason tried to assign a 5th, 6th or 7th worker to a workcrew itself, then there's nothing that stops it from doing so. As for cooked food, back when the information was still present in the tooltips cooked food reported itself has having a higher nutritional value compared to uncooked food. The full implications of what that means is likely buried deep in the realms of only partially active colonist simulation behaviour.
*pushes up bridge of glasses* Back in the mists of time, every food item had a numeric 'Food Value', with more complex dishes having higher Food Values. Colonists all had a numeric Hunger value, which was alleviated by eating food. The longer a person went without eating the hungrier they would become, and increasingly willing to do and eat horrible things. The frequency of feeding was dictated by hunger, which was determined by both the amount and quality of food recently eaten. Bread was a very low quality food, and would only relieve hunger by a small amount. Pie could keep someone satiated for much longer. That entire system was retired to roll food and hunger into the memory system. There was great gnashing of teeth and wailing at the Wiki on that day. Colonists will now attempt to eat an invariant number of times a day, and gain a memory based on the success of that attempt - unless a colonist has several memories of being hungry, he / she will not eat uncooked food; skipping a meal for any reason (famine, or raw-ness) creates a negative moderately memory. Excessive memories of being hungry affect mood, and eventually leads to starvation.