I could really go for a graphic tee that has whatever character Nicholas is using for his avatar plastered across it. Maybe with Clockwork Empires below it picked out in sweet sweet lightning font. Or like a steam knight firing that... whatever grenade launching tommy gun looking thing at a bunch of fleeing fishmen while a middle class overseer lady swoons at his feet. Or maybe a simpler one with the cog that just says "For Queen and Country" under the symbol? I dunno, just sayin', if you guys had t-shirts, I would buy one or two. I tried looking up "clockwork empire t-shirt" and I got a steampunk R2-D2 and C-3PO (not mad tho). This just me or would you other Loyal Administrators of Her Majesty's Estates, Colonies, Fiefs, Thorps, Hamlets, and Sundry other Assemblages for the Establishment of Colonies like some too?
The character I'm using for my avatar is a cartoon drawing of myself that David did for our company portrait a few years ago. I dunno, does anybody else want me on a shirt?
Is there a newer/better/cheaper version of cafepress nowadays for selling swag quickly and easily? I wouldn't want Gaslamp to spend any more time than necessary on something like this.
Maybe not of you, but definitely some bald bushy moustachioed chap smiling with his arm around a waving fishperson with an arm dangling out its mouth, and a Obeliskian looming behind them with the some kind of message prompting the reader to come visit the colonies for their holidays.
We don't do merch for CE specifically because of how much time it costs us to do it well (good support, good product design, etc.) We might do it one day though, so it's good to know people are interested