When three Novorusian Squads and Five Bandits Attack at Once...

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Unforked, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member may have some trouble fending them off with only two fully-staffed units of your own.


    I've never seen anything quite like this. The best part was when the bandits actually defeated one of the Novorusian squads for me before they even reached the colony, then one of the other squads defeated the bandits during the main battle. I LOVE when enemy A.I. fight each other. But in the end, of course, I didn't stand a chance. Cog save our souls.


    Despite losing, this was actually a lot of fun. I remember reading about how one of the design goals for CE is letting the player lose in spectacular ways. Mission accomplished with this particular bloodbath.
    berkstin likes this.
  2. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    It's a neat event. The first time it happened to me, I lost about half my town. I learned that when the event message says, "conscript everyone!", it literally means, conscript everyone hahaha.

    So I built more barracks to conscript everyone for the next time that event were to happen, and I stocked up on a bunch of land mines. The next 3 mass invasion events came and went without too many casualties.
  3. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    I had the event in 43A, noticed the various squads of hostile troops weren't actually heading for my colony by rather just off the side, so managed to get by without any real trouble. Had my 2 units engage the last few stragglers and kill 4 of them or so.