Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. I believe all of those things happened prior to her leaving the comforts of the Empire for life in The Colonies, save the jar of beer, which she may have brought with her when she departed.
  2. I guess she had a ball on the flight over, drinking whilst listening to poetry. She slept well and was then kicked out over some god forsaken bit of coastline for a life of misery.

    I take it these memories allow colonist to arrive reasonably happy.
  3. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    With weeks spent in the woods, that's a long time to hold on to those memories. :)

    Though it does raise a interesting idea. Having random arrival events that impact a colonists starting memories and as such their initial mood, so it's not all so predictable, generic and 'safe'.

    Why can't a overseer arrive at your colony already a raving lunatic after their airship crashed and they were forced to eat the only sole survivor in order to survive long enough to make it to your colony, but still talk to the other survivor they had to eat as if they were still there?

    Why can't lower class colonists arrive claiming they were sent by the ministry and the prior notification to expect their arrival must have got lost in transit, and you end up letting in extremely anti-empire escaped prisoners with unstable anger issues that hate your colony for what they consider it to represent?

    Or why can't a colonist arrive depressed as hell because during the trip to the colony they got news of the death of a close relation they never got to say goodbye to before departing, and so their sadness is absolutely through the roof and they already think your colony is the most depressing place to ever be as soon as they arrive.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  4. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Right now they all arrive generally happy because they are subjected to such depressing stuff right away. When we have all of the tools to make them happy in place and balanced, we'll probably pull back on it.
  5. Bluebird

    Bluebird Member

    Had this happen a few times: Set squad rally point right next to bandit camp. One or two start fighting and the rest suddenly turn around and wander back to camp. Looking at their status is is "Returning to stockpile"

    Also, increasing number of stuck colonists starving. Status rapidly flicks between Eat Raw food and Eat Cooked Food.
  6. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Send me the save game where this happens? We'll see what we can figure out. (It might have been fixed in REV 43E.)
  7. I was simply chalking this up to the newly added flavor text not quite matching up with each system that was already previously in place. And by that same token, I'm not sure about you, but I imagine I may be outright giddy to spot some form of civilization of my compatriots after spending weeks wandering through the woods. That alone could account for the initial happiness.