I paid for the game through Humble Bundle, but am unable to download, as there is not an option apart from Steam. How can the game be downloaded without installing Steam? Steam is not a secure platform, is not permitted on my network, and is often blocked or inaccessible from where I am in China. This is my second post regarding Steam, the first was apparently deleted as it is not associated with my account. I hope this post is actually addressed by the developers.
As far as I know the game is not available anywhere outside of Steam, before purchasing it from Humble it will have had a indicator to let you know that Steam was required and you were purchasing a Steam key. So I'd say other than finding a way to use Steam, your only option for now at least is to contact humble, explain you didn't pay attention to what you were buying and explain that Steam isn't a option for you and hope they'll understand and refund.
The FAQ lists this: Where can I buy Clockwork Empires? You can purchase the game through Steam and Humble. Since all other Humble purchases but one have had a Steam key and a download, I pursued the purchase based on this. This statement asserts that it is available through BOTH vendors, not only through Steam. So actually, I was paying attention, quite closely, to the words written by the actual developers. Snarky replies are not helpful.
Quite a few humble purchases are simply Steam keys, but this is generally relayed on the store or if it's a purchase via Humbles widget rather than the store itself it's should be relayed on the widget. In the link you gave after clicking "Humble" you'll notice it states 'On Steam': Sorry if my reply seemed snarky, as that isn't the intention. I'm simply stating that the information regarding Steam was provided upfront and the best course of action if you're unable to use Steam is to look into a refund and explain the misunderstanding when you purchased. As a non-Steam version (for now at least) simply doesn't exist as far as I know.
From what I've seen of other titles, getting updates into Humble takes more time. Given the goal at this point in development is relatively fast iterations on two branches, it wouldn't surprise if Humble couldn't keep up. Gaslamp would need to confirm, but once the more stable v1.0 release arrives I would expect non-Steam downloads to become available. They have previously stated there won't be a difference in price between earliest/early access and the full release.
The information provided was conflicting and not clear, which is why I submitted the question two weeks ago. That question was deleted. I have purchased at least a dozen games through Humble directly, with no need for Steam. When a website says two things, it is unclear. Once following the purchase, at no time until the purchase is complete, beyond the above two boxes, is there a notation that Steam is required. System requirements also do not list Steam as a prerequisite for playing the game. There is a lot of information provided upfront, but it is not consistent, since there are three different citations stating slightly or totally different things. Hence the question about a download outside of Steam. If the information is inconsistent, then the question should be asked. Since you made no attempt to actually answer said question in your original response, I deemed it snarky, and I do believe this to be your intent (I have read some of your other posts). Clarification in the system requirements and the FAQ would clear this up. Providing an alternative download would bring in more buyers.
Closer to release, we will be putting something up on the Humble Store; but with an experimental build every week and a stable build every month right now, Humble's upload chain cannot keep up with our development.
The previous title from Gaslamp, Dungeons of Dredmor, runs quite happily without Steam even if it was downloaded through it. So far as I've seen, CE is the same, with Steam used only as a distribution mechanism.
Unless I have missed something, and I have looked in as many places as I can think of, there is no way to download the game without having Steam installed. So there is no way to check if the EXE will run without or not. I there is a way to do so, please let me know, as this was my original question.
At the moment there is no way to do so. What Nicholas does mean is that if you do download it through Steam you never have to have Steam open to play it, if you so wished. When we are out of Early Access and the game is more considered complete, we will have non-Steam alternatives.