Starting Equipment and "Mysterious Bonuses"

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Essence, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you take a skillset that would overwrite one skill's starting equipment with another piece, your character would get "mysterious bonuses" to compensate.

    Can anyone verify that, and if so, does anyone have any idea what kinds of bonuses those are?
  2. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Yes! I have been wondering about that too!
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    There were some weird rules, like you'd only get some warrior equipment if you had primarily warrior skills. In retrospect is probably a bad idea because it reduces the survivability of low hp characters even more by denying them heavy armour.

    The way this works changed with 107 and mod support; starting equipment is now defined in the skill definition in the same manner that loot is defined in dungeon rooms (see rooms.xml for examples of loot defs).

    For example:
    <skill name="Archery" id="4" type="rogue" description="You get combat bonuses and special attacks when wielding crossbows.">
      <art icon="skills/skill_crossbow.png"/>
      <loadout type="weapon" subtype="Small Crossbow" always="1"/>
      <loadout type="weapon" subtype="Wooden Bolt" amount="18" always="1"/>
      <loadout type="weapon" subtype="Poison Ampoule Bolt" amount="6" always="1"/>
      <loadout type="weapon" subtype="Fire Bolt" amount="6" always="1"/>
  4. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    The "mysterious bonuses" was just a bug that caused you to permanently gain the stats of whatever item was overwritten.

    E.g. If your Fedora was overwritten you would gain a permanent +3 to counter.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK, but how does this affect situations in which your gear really does get overwritten? Like if you take Archaeology and also Astrology, do you just plain lose the Fedora? Or does the equipment end up in your inventory in 1.07 and you get to choose which you want and sell the other (which seems like the most reasonable way to do it)?
  6. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Thanks for the explanation :)
    I can see sense in the rules, but yeah, the question is what characters that are a mix of classes get.
    Would be cool if characters with 4 or more warrior skills get a good warrior item, same for a wizard item for 4 wizard skills, same for a rogue item for 4 rogue skills. But then characters which do not have 4 skills in any class should maybe get something too. Something that's always useful, like a dire sandwich.

    Hmm on the other hand, as I've posted somewhere else too, the beginning is the most fun for me since it's most of a puzzle on how to survive... shouldn't become too easy on Going Rogue. Is there going to be some real hard level(s) down the line in the expansion? That would rock.
    Oh, I guess I went offtopic, sorry :p