A Consideration of Obelisks

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by grayfox687, Dec 8, 2015.


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Poll closed Dec 15, 2015.
  1. A fool, a madman, a knave and a scoundrel!

  2. Talking quite good sense actually, hem hem hem.

  3. A rogue perhaps, but a dashing one most certainly!

  4. N'kkkaaa Q'ueyleh Gnnyod

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  1. grayfox687

    grayfox687 Member

    The Preponderance of Deadly Foes Located Proximate to Vital Resources and Why that Totally Blows Man.

    I tend to find that hematite nodes are either
    A. On the far side of a Bandit camp which my forces cannot hope to assail without weapons which requires the hematite to forge
    B. Right next to slumbering Obelisks, who have but one resemblance to dogs, and that is that one should not awake them whilst they slumber
    or, most interestingly

    C. Both

    Attached Files:

  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Gold! Right here on the surace, free for the taking!


    I have made a terrible mistake.

  3. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I feel your pain, I've had this occur many times (at one point in the summer close to every game I started had this happen).

    May I present situation D for the court's examination? Nodes of a particular kind being present only at the extreme edges of the map, where even finding them in the first place is very time consuming. Zinc is a particular offender although I've had it happen multiple times with all ores.

    Unfortunately I think it would be very hard to further reduce the need for ores in the game without making them pointless, so I don't see a quick solution short of rigging the rng in favour of the player which would not be !!FUN!!. I highly suspect though that it will have the effect of making trade very important for unluckly colonies (not even considering future biomes that completely lack one resource or another. (seriously, I want these or I'm going to cry :) Sir Crilly Fribblebottom's lodge for glorious polar bear bothering atop the world isn't just going to build itself. We need to get a junior colonial supervisor out there! )).

    So I think its heading in the right direction.
  4. I have to say that I've quite lucky in this matter: in new Antipodia (the easy biome) I've never had too much trouble concerning lack of available nodes. But I think it's thanks to this quite conspicuos assembly, that apparently took up the great part of obelisk 2015-12-24_00011.jpg s in the map...
  5. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    Waking that up is going to ruin your day and your trousers.
  6. 2015-12-27_00001.jpg Well, more late in the game I discovered this next to my colony... I knew there was some ruins in that direction, but thanks to the fog of war I developed my colony in the ignorance of this nuclear deposit... (And I think there's more covered in the fog...)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  7. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Use a classic trick, wall them off and pretend they don't exist, or something.

    EDIT: You could also kill them once they're trapped I guess? But make sure you have a bunch of soldiers rallied because building next to them miht set them off...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  8. The game didn't survive long enough for them to become a trouble XD
  9. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    As long as farming works... though it would be odd to imply that the empire would want endless amounts of snowcane.

    Another interesting case is if you can't get stone.. though I use stone ovens, you could presumably upgrade to iron though the speed at which a kitchen running superfast needs repairs is quite something. Or you could just let everyone eat raw food I guess, it's still 1 food per day either way I think.
  10. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I think I only build ovens out of habit at this point. But yeah lacking stone is going to be sorely challenging, particularly since such a biome is unlikely to be particularly wealthy in any kind of resources. I think you would have to heavily invest in farming / hunting to provide a trading surpass plus whatever ores you could find to sell.
  11. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Looking at screens of New Antipodea vs New Sogwood, I wonder how much all the trees crammed into the Sogwood affects the game's performance.

    Presumably colonists don't walk any slower on any map either.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016