The Binding of Isaac

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by IanExMachina, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. IanExMachina

    IanExMachina Member

    Has anyone picked this up on steam yet?

    It is pretty fun and has roguelike characteristics such as randomly generated levels leading to hardly ever getting the same sets of power ups etc.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I've been playing it since after the day it came out, beaten it about 6 times so far. Awesome game. There's a HUGE amount of unlockables.
    Too bad it's in Flash.
  3. moof

    moof Member

    Are there difficulty levels, and if so how hard is the hardest setting?
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    There aren't any difficulty levels, and the game is... well, quite hard depending on what you end up fighting and what you get in terms of loot. It takes about 30-45minutes for a full run if everything goes well though.
  5. IanExMachina

    IanExMachina Member

    I have to say the replay value is pretty high for BoI, also whilst it is regrettably in Flash the latest patch (for me at least) seems to alleviated any problems I was encountering.
  6. Chiko

    Chiko Member

    I got that game a while ago. It's awesome. I remember it was just weird at first, though. xD
  7. Derakon

    Derakon Member

    I definitely burned through Binding of Isaac faster than I did DoD. The main issue is that, unlike in DoD, there's no "I'm going to make this build and see how well it does" kind of thing -- you take the upgrades you're given by the RNG, and do the best you can with them. The secondary issue is that most of the completionist stuff is luck-based -- unlock a given item by collecting two of a set of other items, or by fighting several of a set of bosses that won't necessarily appear in a single run, et cetera. So unless you like playing the game over and over again hoping for the dice to roll your way, you're pretty much done as soon as you've beaten the game once with each character.

    It's a fun game, and definitely worth what I paid for it (spent $10 on the latest Humble Bundle), but it has nowhere near DoD's staying power.
  8. blob

    blob Member

    its just not aiming on the same gameplay. I love both and spent 40+ hours on each and bought them the same day.
    BoI is more aimed at getting short games but you always want to play one more to get that new item you unlock or to be lucky and get that missing boss ! It actually worked really well with me, as BoI is the only game where I actually took the time to do all the achievements I could ( even went as far as getting " mama's boy" ).
    I usually dont give a shit about those, but here you really unlock something when you do and there s so much to discover ( even secret achievements and secret extra boss ) that it was pure joy to go and cry the shit out of mobs for hours.
  9. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    I too got this with the Humble Indie Bundle. I didn't like it. It seems like it's almost fun, but it's too random for me. As well, the fact that it is Flash based is a big negative.
  10. blob

    blob Member

    Why is it an issue that it is flash based ? Slow downs, no joypad support ?
  11. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    Partially the slow downs, which seem to happen no matter how good my computer is, and mostly just because I've come to dislike Flash as a platform. I just don't really want to pay for a lackluster game on a lackluster platform. That said, I didn't buy this. I don't view the Humble Bundles as a means to an end.

    I really just didn't like the game. If I did, I probably wouldn't care if it was Flash based. There are a few Flash games I enjoy, after all.
  12. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That's funny -- I have an ancient, POS computer, and up until DoD, my last few favorite games (Tactics Arena Online, Aetheron, Elements: The Game (which I still play every day)) have all been Flash games. Then again, one requirement for me is turn-based-ness (because when you have a 3-year-old in the house, you never know when you're going to have to drop everything and run), so slowdown is rarely an issue. I guess really what I like is browser games, primarily because wherever you go, there they are. Yep. Durnken ramble over. Good day!
  13. Planplan

    Planplan Member

    The game is not really about building your character skill tree, but more about building your own skill, and knowledge of the items effects, monsters patterns, etc... and try to accommodate to what the game give you.

    I like this game for the quick pace, the irrespective irreverent stuff and references.

    The world is small !
    Essence likes this.
  14. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Hey, Planplan! *high five* :)


    And I know you're French and all, so no big deal, but it's "irreverent" . "Irrespective" means "regardless". :)
  15. blob

    blob Member

    Hey Planplan, stupid froggy ! Give me a high five too for the IVAN times !
    Now we re all best buddies.
  16. Planplan

    Planplan Member

    *high five* (a high kick could be considered a high five, no :p ?)
    IVAN and more coming things I wish, like Dredmor...

    Also, topic hijacked ! :oops:
  17. Chiko

    Chiko Member

    I wish I could mod it. Mod friendly games have the potential to become Awesome Sauce thanks to modding communities.

    Also, I like how there are lots of upgrades in the game. There are a lot I haven't found yet.
  18. RKade8583

    RKade8583 Member

    I beat Mom once but I haven't had that kind of luck in awhile. I play it opposite DoD because I love roguelikes. I just wish Spelunky 360 would get done.
  19. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Spelunky 360? I haven't played Spelunky in a long-ass time, but that sounds like it might reprovoke my interest. a about 3-5 years when I'm finally over DoD. :D
  20. RKade8583

    RKade8583 Member

    Hey, it might be done by then (it was supposed to be done last year in Nov.)