Alpha 48 Dauntless 6pool (Opening Strategy)

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alavaria, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Named after the starting 6 overseers.

    Because a Starcraft rush strategy** makes for a more amusing reference than recycling the Dwarf Fortress "7 Dwarves".
    **I do not play Starcraft.

    Yes, it is probably 5 overseers and an NCO, but you will see...

    Order is as such:
    • NCO: Hunting anything nearby. ENABLE HUNTING as it seems they start with it off (and many non-military have it on, bah)
    • Overseer, #1: Start on the farm (and give them the lower-class laborer)
    • Overseers #2, #3: Make two orders to mine stone. Even if it's just making an order on a boulder, and then another on a second boulder
    • Overseer #4: Make an order to chop 1 tree
    • Overseer #5: Make an order to chop 2 trees


    My planned colony uses stockpiles as "roads" but it also helps as you can lay these down and see where everything goes. Though this particular spot seems rather flat, otherwise this wouldn't quite work.
    A lot of stockpile just have everything turned off.

    Now this is what I've used so far in terms of building
    • Barracks (2x2). The overseer #4 will finish chopping their tree and then start to build this.
    • Carpentry (2x2). Place it after you see the first overseer has finished chopping his tree. When overseer #5 has finished their two trees, they will start on the carpentry.
      When the carpentry is completed, then assign the overseer there and give them a big plank order.
    • Assign NCO to barracks and then unassign them. Set up a foraging order for them.
    • Kitchen (6x2). Place it after seeing Barracks done, overseer #4 will work on this, give them the lower-class for extra hauling. And place down an oven.
    • What I've seen is your oven will not be finished by the time Day 1 night begins. It seems the 2-planks & 4-stone needed can only be hauled by one person at a time...
    • And then day 2 starts.
    • It's a good time to check your stock of stone. You probably have enough stone for a bit, let your overseers chop some wood.
    • When oven is done, assign someone to kitchen and queue up Basic Food
    • I also went for a Trade Depot and started a Ceramics Workshop
    • Also, put a mining order on a bit of Clay, you only need one or two units of clay.


    • Around day 3 I started flax farming, just two people
    • On building side, I put up a Foreign Office (2 desks) and metalworks
    • Also started on the house. Now don't do what I did here, it's probably best to use a 4x9 Bunkhouse (and not the Middle-Class House)
    • You should also check you have plenty of Planks made
    • There's also a Textile Workshop. 1 Workbench.


    • So, if done right, you should finish the bunkhouse, start spamming your decor. You're looking for 15 windows or whatever.
    • Unlike me, you shouldn't use the Practical Single Bed to start, it's too resource intensive, I recommend just putting in 9 cots.
    • Also, begin work on metalsmith if you have the stone, being able to make pistols and so on is great


    Now a lot of options open up...
    • Likely you will be starting an iron mine.
    • Make pistols if you need to, otherwise try to just go for muskets
    • When ready, commence Iron Oven making, this will get you a lot of production points for overseers.
    • There's also farming pumpkins in order to make Farmers' Stew
    • At some point, a really large (4x15) House in order to begin filling with Practical Single Beds, but probably not worth all the resources at the moment.
    • A colony wall would be a decent idea as well
    • Start putting some decor about to make the workshops Comportable, for the ones you need a lot out of, like Metalworks, Carpentry, Kitchen...

    With your overseers kept happy**, you can now go on to grow and accomplish a lot.

    **There is one micro trick I will use a bit next time. Suppose you have 1 Carpentry Workshop, and 2 overseers who only are willing to work 4 shifts a day. With the power of micro you can keep the workshop going all 8 shifts of the day! Think about it...

    Also, I guess lower-class can be reallocated, letting you abuse your lower-class farmers I suppose? 2 overseers farming 4 shifts each (maybe on separate farms)

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    The Starcraft '4poolrush' actually came up in my Twitch stream yesterday, as grayfox687, Unforked, and myself discussed opening gambits, reflex-based RTS games, and so on. I believe grayfox687 accused me of being insufficiently Clockworkian for preferring to play organically.
  3. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Lol, not really surprised since you really gotta get your shifts worth before they start being unhappy.

    Oh yeah, now that I think of it, as you get overseers joining your colony, they are really happy and might be useful to swap out the older ones, leaving them to do the random hauling or chopping wood. Until you have everyone being really happy, anyway.
  4. grayfox687

    grayfox687 Member

    Correct @Alephred , your dedication to Order and Progress was less than I had hoped. Still, you were able to handle the AI's 3 Beetle timing rush opener with great aplomb, so the Cog clearly favors you, lol
  5. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    In my game, I saw 3 colonists get owned by an auroch until all my soldiers arrived and shot it to death.

    Then I turned it into sausages and people ate it. I've also turned fishpeople steak into sausages...
  6. grayfox687

    grayfox687 Member

    after reading that I hear the Del Taco slogan in my head "That's un-freshing believable!"
  7. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Not soylent green huh. I've considered removing the sausage minimum order in my kitchen as people are going out to grab a bunch of far away steaks.

    But I have enough food buffered (uncovered switch to wheat, no more raw Maize, only 5days of extra chowder) so whatever. My pumpkin production needs to spin up at the same time.
  8. grayfox687

    grayfox687 Member

    Soylent green is people, which, I think we can all agree, a fishperson is not.
  9. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    I think Long Pork is a suitable ingredient for Sausages too...
  10. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member


    The main workshops are up in their Phase 1 forms, so I have the industrial options, but not the heavy duty capabilities (ie: volume).

    But I am not too worried about needing to churn out tons of stuff, time to start on some building projects.


    Right now the house is in good shape (but probably would've been better off with cots and leaving this for a later project).


    When I take a look at my food, we're doing pretty good :)
  11. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    ver 48-B

    Well, since now you can build the mine (building) with planks & stone, and the mineshaft module only takes wood, it might not be a bad idea to make an early mine in your colony in order to get some sand.

    1 Sand -> 4 Glass Panes (150 trade value each)
    and then
    1 Glass Panes -> 4 Crates of Glass Bottles (60 trade value each)

    You will get some clay for the bricks you need, as well as sand which will allow you to make good use of early trade. (I didn't do this myself, maybe next time... if it isn't nerfed)


    Unlike before, it isn't worth buying iron ore vs the ingots
    (it's 300 for 3 iron ore, and like 310 for an ingot)

    But wait!! 2 iron ore (at 310 each) are needed to make 1 iron plate/pipes (380 each), so save yourself and just buy the finished parts. You also get a lot more coal than you will need especially if it's a mineshaft not near any golden pip points, so sell those too...