Windows 10?

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I've heard some reports of various issues with Windows 10 here. As this happens every time Microsoft releases a new version of their operating system, I don't know why I'm surprised.

    Anyhow, if you have a problem with Windows 10 and Clockwork Empires, let us know here and we'll try to sort it out.
  2. Olek

    Olek Member

    I've had windows 10 64bit since the 29th July and have had no problems with the game at all, I know you asked about problems, but I thought it also may be valuable to know that there are certain builds that are running Clockwork error free with Win 10.

    Intel 2700K CPU
    GTX970 (353.62)
    Realtek HD Audio.(
    8GB RAM
  3. razrien

    razrien Member

    Windows 10 here as well. No problems yet. (..aside from not having native dual monitor wallpaper support. Arrgghh )

    AMD FX-6300
    16gb ram
    (maby some sort of proper hardware survey would be neat?)

    Ever since getting my new card, I noticed that I no longer get those wierd little 'flickers' in the geometry that I did when I had my hd7850.
    Though the work crew UI still tends to lag like a drunken donkey plodding through molasses.
  4. wargarurumon

    wargarurumon Member

    have been running on preview builds of windows for months already

    never experienced any problems
  5. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Yeah, as everyone above me as noted, things are running without any problems on my Win 10 installation on my desktop - the odd title-screen resizing thing I mentioned in another thread was a minor issue on my Win 10 laptop only.
  6. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Well, since CE definitely works, I guess that means I can upgrade now...

    *Tentatively moves cursor toward the icon*
    razrien likes this.
  7. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    I upgraded to windows 10 yesterday, so I will report anything anything as well. Can I suggest stickying this thread?
  8. Viion

    Viion Member

    64 bit versions.... Upgraded to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 8.1 Pro. Didn't reinstall anything except a creative sound drive. Apart from being overrun by ravaging beetles, hostile troops, fishpeople and bandits it was all smooth sailing. In other words, everything is as usual. :-D
    razrien likes this.
  9. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    No problems here either.
  10. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    Windows 10 is big success for the game so far
  11. Axiom

    Axiom Member

    Hey there all,

    Just switched to Win 10 and now when I start the game... I get to initial screen fine. But when i select "Start Game" it crashes.

    I am on a Alienware 17 laptop. Of course running Windows 10..
  12. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Does it produce a DMP file? Can you send that DMP file to us at ?

    Does it go away if you run the game as an administrator, or with any of the compatibility options? I would really like to narrow this one down...
  13. Mokkun

    Mokkun Member

    Win10 Pro 64 bit version, have had not problems starting the game.. ;) My crashes after up to hours of playing I have reported.
  14. Axiom

    Axiom Member

    Okay. so I tried to recreate the crash and the first two times it happened the same. (no .dmp file was created, sorry) but when I rebooted my computer. Now it works perfectly. I did not change the admin settings or anything. I rebooted three more times to see if I would get different results and so far it is working fine. But considering I rebooted at first and it still crashed, I am not sure if this will come back.

    If it happens again, I will mention it here.