Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Jun 27, 2016.

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  1. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Is there any way to make wine? Can't do it from brewing tanks, a still or a workbench. If not, I shouldn't have built that grape farm...
  2. iucounu

    iucounu Member

    Doesn't Brew Basic Drink do it, from a Wooden Brewing Vat? Has hitherto worked I'm sure.
  3. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Thanks! Never would have thought about wine as a "basic drink".:confused:

    Edit: Nope, that just made them brew my corn into chicha. No way to specifically request wine. Oh well.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  4. iucounu

    iucounu Member

    I think they tend to just go and get the nearest brewable, so it's the luck of the draw whether that's grapes or corn.
    tojosan likes this.
  5. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Sort of like grabbing the first bottle off the shelf. :)
  6. DaCrAzYmOfO

    DaCrAzYmOfO Member

    Any of yall know if agave can be used to make basic food? I haven't tried it since 51 but from what I remember the pulque (basic drink) wasn't drinkable by the colonists and they would only eat the syrup raw.
  7. Bluebird

    Bluebird Member

    Traders still dumping goods at random places rather than the trade depot. Save game with incoming ones that exhibit this

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  8. Bluebird

    Bluebird Member

    When you request excess ores, the map rotates back to the default view rather than keep a rotated one.
  9. Bluebird

    Bluebird Member

    Traders arrive with hands outstretched but no goods. Tracked these from their start and they were not attached or interrupted.

    Edit : Clarification, I checked on them until they were past the outer danger zones and closing on the settlement. I then clicked away to ensure the trading post was clear - when they arrived in the active area, nothing in their hands but they were all grouped together so had not been spooked.

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    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  10. Bluebird

    Bluebird Member

    Cracking one. If you leave the game paused for a bit, when you return, it will unpause fine but then freeze for a bit after a few mins - almost like it is garbage collecting.

    At the very moment it did this, I was redeeming some Laboratory research points and did not notice the freeze. I thus clicked on the option a few times as I saw no reaction. The game then unfroze and I got the following result. Think I might be here a while working that debt off :)

    Save game avail if you want it.


    Edit : demolishing and rebuilding reset it all to 0 .. phew.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
    tojosan likes this.
  11. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    @Bluebird , you have the worst research team ever. :)
  12. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Today is crash-o-metic day.

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  13. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Any chance that some of the crashes are related to when Steam phones home? Is anyone running this outside of steam?
  14. iucounu

    iucounu Member

    Last night's crash was the first I'd had for a long time - the game seems very stable compared to 51. The wobbly bit seems to be trading, still.

    Traders arrived and sold me some brass ingots, which then seemed to vanish from stockpiles while remaining on my commodities tab. At the moment I am working round the Trade Designation bug by forbidding and reclaiming big swathes of goods, so perhaps that was the problem, I dunno.

    Anyway the next lot of traders arrived and I accidentally clicked the 'demolish building' button on the trade depot. There doesn't seem to be any way to cancel demolition of the building. I cancelled the job in the jobs tab but the building was still out of action. It also gave me a drop-down menu in the building screen inviting me to assign a work crew to it, which I clicked out of curiosity, which then crashed the game.

    I'd attach a .dmp file but the game didn't seem to generate one? At least, it's not in the usual place.
  15. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    @iucounu, I've had more crashes in the last two days than I'd had all week. I did see in the control.txt file that it's doing some weird indexing thing just before it crashes. I've not yet started another trade house to experiment.

    I do have theory on crashes related to moving modules. Also since I've started placing buildings adjacent seems to be a problem.
  16. iucounu

    iucounu Member

    Yes, I'm avoiding moving or deleting modules if at all possible, because I don't know if the bugs have been shaken out of them. The only weird thing I've seen when placing buildings is when I placed one right next to another and it was built as an invisible kitchen, so I've been giving them a gap between as much as possible also.
  17. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    Okay. No adjacent buildings this round. So far so good. I've not attempted any module moves.

    Is it a bug that when I foraged coconut palms it destroys them? It's like they foraged to death.
  18. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Foraging has a high chance of destroying forage sources. This is an intentional balance mechanic to force you to use foraged food as a temporary boost rather than permanent food source.
    tojosan likes this.
  19. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Well, neat!

    Logged OC-5087 to make sure traders will cancel their trade mission if the trade office is ordered dismantled, and that traders arriving will not consider a trade office with dismantling orders to be a valid target.
  20. tojosan

    tojosan Member

    PS. Any chance of a 52B this week?
    DaCrAzYmOfO likes this.
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