i understand that the system is a work in progress. The hope is that thoughts expressed here might influence that progress. The global upkeep interval troubles me. It seems reward very bursty expansion, as a module placed on day 4 is repaired on day 5. This would seem to reward the stockpiling of modules and then a mass placement to maximize the value of repair trunks. Per module timers would seem optimal, but perhaps costly. I also have to admit that paying upkeep on lightly used modules is also irksome and makes me yearn more for the old mechanism, even when that could require an expensive part for repair. Some kind of balance would surely be better.
Definitely there should be a free period where new modules don't need maintenance right away after they're built. Maybe just mark new modules with a tag, then remove it at the next maintenance check?
I'm also a little concerned that modules that are completed on day 4 of a 5-day cycle will cause upkeep to spike upwards, which is not a thing you can reliably predict, unless you're paying regular attention to the date. Even if you start construction early in the week, assembly can be delayed for any number of reasons.
I was going to propose a method to mothball idle equipment, but that can be achieved already with disassembly now that materials are returned.
Hey a place for my idea!! Thanks @Mikel for starting this. I feel like my posts get lost in the fray. I am all for the upkeep...nothing is for free...nothing lasts forever...unless it's posted on the internet...my long running theme on other threads...but I digress, here are my issues with the upkeep. 1. It is a bit confusing and convoluted...it doesn't make sense how it's done. Using buildings that are vital to making other things vital to your colonists. Especially carpentry, may as well just lop off an arm, leg or needed appendage...tentacles, if you have em, I don't judge. 2. It takes the colonists away from what they should be doing...like gathering resources, gossiping, finding weird objects that make bad things happen to the colony. My solution: Make a building like the others but have it the Maintenance Building or Upkeep R Us...where you can assign an overseer and how many workers you see fit...and they can have a workbench to build the upkeep kits...and they can maintain the colony. When there's nothing to do, they can haul and help build buildings. It seems more fitting for the game. With the upped colonist numbers, workers and overseers shouldn't be a problem, at all. I sound like a broken record, how many times I've posted similar things...but I figured why not post it on a thread based on the upkeep stuff. Sorry if I'm Madam Spamsalot, not the intention, just feel like my posts get lost in the fray of crashes, bugs, etc. I'm feeling rather sad about the changes...because it made it feel more like a punishment than an important task to have done. By punishment I mean... That if you build x number of carpentry workbenches you get punished and one or two will be perpetually putting out upkeep kits...when carpentry is how you build the buildings that get the colonists to come and live there...and to research other things...it's a perpetual punishment of sorts...not intended, I hope...but it takes away from the events and the fun Lovecraftian stuff...and the mundane busy busy busy life of colonial living.
Dunno how maintenance workshop would help though. It'd be a workshop that needs an overseer and a crew, same as before. How would it be different from building an extra carpentry shop?
I suppose you could do that...it would be different because: I don't think you can build all the upkeep kits at the carpentry shop, the first 2 levels, yes...unless they took the other levels out or moved them? Not sure...didn't make it that far They (the carpenters) wouldn't only do the upkeep of building, but construction as well, hauling, colony job stuffs...leaving the other unassigned overseers/workers to do the vital foraging, chopping of the wood, mining of the stone...and yes I know you can assign the extra carpenters' to do just that...but they won't. I assign my farmers' to hunt game, and haul...because they don't farm the entire time some days...they usually just stand there idle. So I really think we need a dedicated workshop. It would feel more organic to have one. Again, my opinion...but I think it would work out better because it would be freeing up the other colonists so that the raw resources are flowing. I'd also extend the breaking of the beds and other not as used items way more than 5 days. You'd think they would last longer than that given the time they spend in them. It still feels like the Upkeep system, as it stands, is a punishment....I can't put my finger on why...but maybe straying away from the event arcs...which I know they added a ton...wow, fun, Lovecraftian goodness....As much as I do agree with upkeep sytems, I kind of liked the random breaking...and just having to HAVE some back up upkeep kits...just in case. There's another idea. It would allow you to focus on other stuff besides ERMAGERD do I have enough upkeep kits for the next 5 days. That is no fun...that's the equivalent of doing dishes. ((sigh)) No fun. Who knows maybe my ideas are totally wrong...but something does have to change with the new upkeep system as it is making the game feel, to me, very bloated and convoluted. It's not as much fun as I was having...and it shows, as I'm not playing as much as I want to. I will try your extra carpentry building out @jotwebe just as a hopefully temporary fix. I didn't think of it. Still doesn't solve the bloated blech...but could help.
Hmmmm... Probably overcomplicating things, but how about a module for each workshop that is essentially a "maintenance module"? Like the simple cabinet or something. Said module gets built at a carpentry shop and then needs to be periodically fed resources by the crew assigned to the workshop. You wouldn't end up using up other workshops' benches for the actual maintenance, but instead every day or two, a work crew member would go get some planks and perform the upkeep as part of his workshop duties, without the need to keep queueing things other than that initial module. The cost of resources needed by the maintenance module can then be tied directly to the number of work modules per workshop. I guess this does create a new problem, since the current system allows for different resources to make the same trunks, and you'd need some type of UI toggle on said modules to determine which resources they'd use for maintenance or some other way of letting the player use alternative resources for maintenance.
Oh that is a very good idea, too! I like that idea a lot. I don't think it would over complicate things, too much. It would make sense...kind of like normal factories (real life) have their own little fix-it areas...I don't work in a factory and don't know the technical terms...That is a very solid idea.
There will be mechanical changes BTW. Will prob. do an experiment w/ some assignment combining + doing upkeep timers per-building rather than globally, and various UI improvements to make things more clear generally. Edit: oh yes, and we appreciate all of your feedback! It is a difficult thing, I think, to get feedback when a "tax" system is put in because everyone hates paying more for what used to be (basically) free. The real goal here is to make a less-pain and transparent system for having to pay to have more stuff around in your colony, basically.
Never had the issue of the upkeep...it's just how it is now that makes me a sad camper. You guys really impress me on how much you listen to us players...you work your tail feathers off. I want to thank you for not only listening but taking into account on what we are saying...I don't know if my ideas are feasible in the whole designing of a game...I'm not a game designer...but it's really nice to be heard and acknowledged. Thanks again!
Well what was it before, a module broke after 30 uses? 2 trucks/5 days implies something like 12 uses per day, which might be about right for carpentry but definitely not for beds. Modules presumably used to track 1 to 30 uses before breaking, so 1 to 5 days (before breaking) seems like it would not be that troublesome.
I know it's been stated that desert maps are punishing to play right now. I basically only play desert maps and I can tell you for a fact that it's frustrating having 17 upkeep on a few shops ans houses which costs logs or stone when there isn't much of it around. I propose to make ALL modules and decorations have a chance to break like it did before. Increase the chance for modules and require the current upkeep chests to fix it. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how simple bit would be to fix, but its just my 2 cents. Also like stated earlier, a shop that focuses on hauling and repair would be a wonderful idea [teamsters office like in tropico comes to mind]. It could even implement it's own modules and overseer type to increase its productivity.
I suppose the idea is to use the infinite mineshafts to get stone/clay/ (iron or copper) and run with that...
When changes are made to upkeep, please do let buildings remember their schedule of work. When you have 3 full workshops break, your carefully thought out production schedule goes to pot. I will second Manamoo's comments on the mad devs - one amazing lot. Really only still playing due to such responsiveness and commitment. Have so many early access games in my library that are either dead or get updates every 2-3 months. This is so refreshing. Fab work.
@Bluebird I, too, have an early access game graveyard. The peanut gallery's puts mine to shame. This game...I have such hope for...the Dev's not only active, but listening, and you can tell they love and are proud of their game. I actually found this game in a frenzy of restlessness...and shortly after peanut gallery bought him a copy...found a diamond in the rough....there are a poop ton of coal out there....this one is a gem...it's the only game I want to play...or will play.