Will walls/fortifications (beyond wooden gambions) make a reappearance? And I recall mention of something in the order of gates and possible crew-served weapons for defense, but I may simply be imagining things on that one. If I'm not imagining things, will those make an appearance in the not too distant future?
Something (for me, a person with the game-design experience of a baboon abandoned on the surface of Mars) that would really improve the fortification system player-wise, would be the possibility to design them with a blueprint and a single construction action, just like normal buildings (there must be maximum amount of squares per fortification): gabions give me a lot of problems in the management part... What I'm thinking is some tier 2 fortification in bricks or similar, after the gabions, since those are really expensive in timber, that is one of the most important resources in the game. Bricks are far more cheap and available. To be honest this game has a strange curve in materials: usually the most basic ones are the most abundant and easy to get, it's rare that they play the role of bottle-neck. Mid tier materials here are the cheapest ones (bricks, glass, planks), because thanks to the doubling mechanic the can come by easily. And then fot the metals, the top tier, the have another bottleneck, made mostly by the quite long production time in the metalsmith and the supply of coal (charcoal is expensive since it's a conversion 1:1 with logs).
Just make it so you build gabions out of planks, and other fortifications out of boxes which also multiply and stuff.
I would also suggest automated machine gun nests, or at least a stationary machine gun soldiers would rush out to man when under attack.
Sandbags would be nice. Sandbags could be a quick "oh crap, I didn't prepare for that foreign invasion and I'm really going to regret this" type of fortification, with the height of a low gabion and slightly less durability, but built quickly, and with sand. Also I don't know if it's possible but gates for brick walls too? Something to keep wild animals and minor threats from running through the streets of your colony all the time. A gatling gun emplacement or field gun emplacement would be nice, I second this. The fish people, foreign troops and bandits would need equipment to counter this and the walls though.
It would be cool to have these, (All mentioned above) But due to the dev (nicolas) Saying that they have UI issues, its gonna be a very long time before we get these (If any at all) Or once the UI issues has been resolved (Which i can assume is a major pain in the buttocks) But until then, I will be certianly keeping my eye on this strange game for quite awhile and years to come if possible (Though its been nearly 5 years i think since i first stumbled upon this game) and im still excited what the people at gaslamp games have up their sleeve.
Im not sure, but he did said that was the cause of why objects like fences or stuff like that aren't added into the game as of yet.