Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Nov 4, 2016.

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  1. Trygve

    Trygve Member

    No, it does not. And it's happened in two games now.

    In the second game I received two unexpected batches of science supplies, so I suddenly had approx. 15 of them lying around.

    Right now, this experimental branch is unplayable for me, I can't use my naturalists for anything purposeful.

    Attached Files:

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  2. ironbear

    ironbear Member

    Same for me. I also can't get Naturalist to take supplies and also got the science supplies out of no where :D
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  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (This experimental is NOT the definitive 1.1 by any means, we'll be doing a few more!)

    Logged coffee as OC-5907.

    Found and fixed for next.

    Logged Naturalism/FO Resupply and/or job tags as OC-5908, should be straightforward.

    Logged Public House resupply as OC-5906, should also be straightforward.

    (I see there's a fix posted slightly further down, not quite there yet... )

    Edit: And I see a fix has been found.
    Edit2: At the end, seems to be wrapped up. Thanks for the catch, Naffarin. I do not see a fix pushed to the dev version right now. I will do that after testing the fix.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2016
    mikail 001 and Exile like this.
  4. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Uhh it already got put in your bug-tracker as OC-5873 by Daynab. Just so that you're aware.
    Exile likes this.
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Awesome, thanks. Jeez, I see now - I misread that ticket as the Tobacco ticket and thought it was fixed when it wasn't. It's fixed now!
    Exile likes this.
  6. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    You really rescued my day, @Nicholas :D

    And i will certainly have something to think about why a drm free executable needs to be cracked.
    Cthulhu_Awaits and Exile like this.
  7. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    They cracked it for the same reason people climb Everest.

    Or they are dumber than a bag of hammers.
    Exile likes this.
  8. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Naturalism supply: BTW if anyone wants to patch their 1.0C experimental to fix Naturalist resupply, replace your jobs.xml with the updated version in the attached zip. (The problem: require_work_building cannot be given multiple tags.)

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      File size:
      29.1 KB
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  9. Teutomatos

    Teutomatos Member

    unzip in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Clockwork Empires\game\jobs ?
    Exile likes this.
  10. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Yes, that should work.
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  11. Teutomatos

    Teutomatos Member

    It works
    Jagwithtude and Exile like this.
  12. Well, despite the limited capacity of the flattening tool, it's still possible to engineer a proper incline! because, while on the practical side one dear colonists do not know the difference between a 1 heigh gap and a 15 heigh gap, they tend to prefer routes with smaller gaps. So I tried to reduce the roundabout way they had to do to avoid the 12 height gap cliff that separates my industrial district from the housing/office district

    Also: I don't know if I have some bugged recipes or if I lost something in the updates: the ceramic charcoal kiln display a 3 logs : 1 charcoal recipe:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, and the stove a 2 coffee fruit : 1 roasted coffee.... I tried to keep a close eye to my workers, but so far I think the coffee still works 1:1 and i can't figure out the charcoal one....
    I always thought that charcoal should be 1:2 or something like that, a recipe in which you have a little gain in items that may rise with better modules (maybe 1:1 for the brick one, 2:3 for the iron one or 1:2 and maybe a 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 for the industrial one...)

    Attached Files:

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  13. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Thanks for the report, logged as OC-5919, should be easy to fix.
    Exile likes this.
  14. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    So a steam knight is actually possible and it really was a challenge @gaslamp (took about 17 ingame days to finish) can add more of these challenges to make the end game more interesting. Stationary defense turrets aka steam knights unable to move because of a solid socket would come to my mind.

  15. mikail 001

    mikail 001 Member

    hi naffarin and developers, how did you get the resupply of the barhourse to work? mine still isnt working and if naffarin can get to steam knight then i am seriously not doing something correct to fix 1.0c ? cause i dun see anyone complaining more that the fix isnt working?!? seriously confused now.
    Exile likes this.
  16. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    They can be fun to build, but once you get to that point you've mastered everything else and there's no real threat to the colony. That shiny new insanely expensive steam knight feels like a mall cop. The late game is in serious need of real challenges.
    Exile likes this.
  17. chawpped

    chawpped Member

    I haven't gotten there yet, but I like the idea of going into full out war with all of the other factions. It would be cool if there was some benefit to being at war with another nation. That would make for a new endgame goal.
    Exile and Unforked like this.
  18. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I agree completely. You can declare war on other factions now, but why would you? Plus, it's super easy to just pool all your foreign office points into making peace with everyone and coast along like that forever.

    There are no late game threats once you have enough food and happiness buildings/decor etc.
    Exile likes this.
  19. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Mostly I agree, but there there are the occasional large fishpeople attacks and meteor showers. The latter can cause considerable trouble, especially since gabions seem to be in a half-working state right now.

    I guess you could technically prevent the previous by keeping peace with the fishpeople, but there is literally no reward for doing this, and they're incredibly annoying. Killing fishpeople actually delivers some benefit to the colony.
    Exile likes this.
  20. Naffarin

    Naffarin Bureaucrat-Inspector Exemplar of The Empire

    Yes, very true, the end game is lacking and should have more content, and a scale up in event the point of building a steam knight even a fish cult event with 30-40 fishmen doesn't pose a real threat anymore.
    Exile and Unforked like this.
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