Is it possible to see any of these in future updates? *More variety in eldritch, events and natives: Could always use more of these. *Squads: Is it possible to equip a squad with two blunderblusses, one jezail and one grenade launcher instead of giving everyone nothing but grenade launchers? Can there be custom weapon loadouts? *Objectives: It's from this one- *Bureaucrat customization: Players should be able to customize bureaucrats to provide bonuses and maluses, advantages and setbacks irrespective of starting colony loadout. *Metagame: Foreign relations and commodity prices are randomized for each world. One world begins with high tobacco prices. good foreign relations with the Stahlmark and poor relations with Republic while another world might have the complete opposite. *Difference Engines: Every good steampunk game needs them. Could be used in Laboratory (to help with calculations) or Chapel (for music).
Given the personality of Lord Palmerstoke, it seems perfectly clear that he'd have invented the different engine too. Babbage was not a very pleasant person. EDIT: Typo intentionally left unfixed
In honour of Babbage, I propose a mechanical organ as a building enhancement. Or possibly as a weapon.
Vertical Building: Can buildings be given additional floors and stories? Megaprojects: Unlocked by normal research (Empire approved!), Foreign relations (grey area) or research into Eldritch (Empire unapproved! Also the cheapest and most dangerous of all three). Late game buildings which provide special functions and bonuses. Automats: Derived from Steam Knight designs, they are smaller, less complex automatons which are intended to function as super-laborers.
The last two could overlap. A robot bartender could be a neat megaproject with a Republicain affinity. To gather data and test out ideas on how a machine can interact with humans, of course. And it could even cause some fun if it starts imitating certain unhappy colonists...