I don't like The Binding of Isaac mainly because it satirizes the Bible. Other than that, it's unnecessarily disgusting. Not that I'm usually uncomfortable with that kind of stuff but it's definitely not a game I would show my family. So now I know why this game lags horribly on my computer (it shouldn't). The game being on Flash is yet another reason why I don't like it. Otherwise, the gameplay and concepts are nice. I bought the Humble Introversion Bundle, but I didn't pay the average like I normally do solely because I didn't want this game. If it didn't poke fun at Christianity and an otherwise a gripping and inspiring story from the Bible, and if it was developed on something other than Flash, I probably would like it better.
Would you be equally offended if it satirized something out of, say, the Qu'ran or the Tao Tse Ching? I'm not trying to be an ass with my question, I really am curious.
It depends on whether I have a connection with the original material and the degree of satirization. The story of Abraham and Isaac is deeply ingrained in me, and has been since my childhood. I've seen the opening of The Binding of Isaac twice now (once in the video trailer and once in the demo) and I was disgusted each time, to say the most. To answer your question directly, I would currently not be offended if you satirized the Qu'ran or the Tao Tse Ching, because I have never read them, thus I know nothing about them.
What about other Christians who aren't offended by the game's story? My wife is a Christian and she's not offended by it. The point I was getting to is being offended just because some piddly game (compared to, say, a president or leader of a country for example) satirized something you care about is weak-minded. It's just a game and the Christian themes could easily be replaced by any number of other things. You listed other reasons to dislike the game. Why not stick with those? They're much more valid. You'd be ok with a game that satirizes another person's religion simply because it's not yours? That's hypocritical and small-minded. Either all of it's ok or none of it is and I'm firmly planted in the former category. Didn't Jesus say "turn the other cheek"? Would Jesus think this game was a threat? I'm not even a real Christian (deist) but I think God would look down, chuckle a little at the silly things we humans are doing, and go back to his celestial sudoku (or whatever he was doing at the time.) Most of all, it's just a game. How many converts are they going to get from a game? Let's say it's ubergame from uberstudio. Triple A company teasing it for years about how the Flying Spaghetti Monster is god and this game will prove it. If that game came out, how many people would convert and if they did, how many would YOU want to be in contact with, people who are so weak as to convert their belief structure based on a video game.
Oh boy! For starters: a president or leader of a country is just a human being. Why is being offended by another human being just because he happens to have adhered himself to a party that won in the elections (for example) not weak-minded? Secondly: why is it weak-minded at all? It sooner has to do with being emotionally sensitive, not with mind. Being emotionally sensitive is not something to look down upon. Thirdly: He never said he was offended, just that he didn't like it and that some parts look disgusting. Upon reading that I watched the trailer and he's right, pretty disgusting human deformations. Not liking something is an opinion and everyone's entitled to their opinion. To me, that seems honest. How can you be offended if you're not even aware of what the game or story refers to? That is just silly. In order to recognize that the story tries to offend something you have to have enough knowledge of the something to be able to see that. if you don't have that knowledge it's pretty darn impossible to be offended. That's just normal. And also, you're putting words in his mouth he didn't say. That all aside: I also watched the endings and stuff, and I personally see it as a 'playing' with the story of Abraham and Isaac. To wrestle with the meaning of the story etc. So I don't see anything to be offended about. But that's another word he didn't say until you did.
Oh dear, I should have expected this. I don't mean to start a flame war over this... Let me just say, about turning the other cheek, you are absolutely right. I should not be pulling my hair out over something like this. In fact, I am not. I just stated my opinion, that I don't like the game because I don't like what it conveys. I'm not going to hunt the developer down and kill him, I'm not going to go on a crusade on the internet, I'm not going to curse the game in my sleep every night. If someone insulted your wife, would you not be, in the very least, uncomfortable?
No, actually. If someone insults her, it's on their own head to deal with her wrath. My wife is my equal, my partner, but at the same time she is her own person who was able to defend herself before I came along and is still certainly capable of doing much the same. I showed this to her and she fully agrees too.
So you would be indifferent, am I correct? I like where you're coming from though. If I had a wife however, I would be her head, as Christ is head of me. But I digress, what if it were your children who were being insulted?
A. We're not having children because we hate kids and we're both disabled to some degree and no kid could grow up well with two crippled parents and B. We'd both feel the same, indifference. Our kids would deal with their own problems. We might give them advice but it would be up to them to deal with the smack-talker on their own. And now a message from the wife: "As for being the head of your wife, there's something about that which happens to irk me, even as a person of faith. If you truly subscribe to Biblical teaching, then you would know that God created Eve from Adam's rib so she would be his equal, NOT his lesser as so many people seem to prefer. Being the head over another person only works if you believe that person is a lesser to yourself, which I find extremely arrogant. That's not to say you and she wouldn't have your own strengths and weaknesses, but it's more beneficial to work as a partnership rather than having one person be the "boss" and the other the "servant" which being a "head" implies." And for the record, we're not trying to flame, we're merely here in the interest of an open discussion. We LIKE having reasonable discussions with other people who disagree with us, it keeps our minds sharp.
Ok, just trying to keep the temperature down. I like my mind and nous sharp as well. The heat tends to dull my brain, hehe... Honestly, I wouldn't like it if anyone made fun of anything that I care for, not just things related to "Religion". And let me say, I'm not one who is easily offended, but I thought The Binding of Isaac was pushing it. That's all I want to say. Concerning heads of households, let me clarify. Genesis 2:18 says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.'" Here it says "helper", not "equal" nor "partner". 1 Corinthians 11:3 says, "Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." It says the same thing in Ephesians 5:22, but that should read in context. Look at verse 8 and 9 of 1 Corinthians 11: "For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." Finally, the last part of 1 Timothy 2: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be saved through childbearing–if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety." I need sleep now.
Wow... My wife isn't touching any of that because it'll spiral so far out of control that the thread will never recover. She coined some quote I'll never remember. I still stick to my guns though. I wanted a partner and an equal, not a lesser. I seriously can't imagine why you'd want someone you think of as a lesser to be your wife. I can't even imagine why you'd want a lesser as a friend! I may not have many friends but they are all my equal and I love them all like I would love my family if any of them were alive.
I think you are taking "head" to mean something it is not. If you look at the Bible, even though Jesus is our Lord, he serves us. To lead, is to serve others. This has nothing to do with being above, or better than someone else. Purely personal here, but I can't see how you couldn't be offended if someone offends your wife. I don't necessarily mean in a small manner. I'm a pretty placid guy usually, but if someone insults a loved one (grievously), then I get mad pretty quick. Then again, I've been known to stand up for perfect strangers, if I feel the aggressor is in the wrong. I also don't see how one could hate children, but plenty of people do (apparently). I love kids. They're adorable, fun, open, and free with their hearts. Also, Dredmor JUST updated, so I'm out to play.
She is welcome to PM me if she wants to continue this discussion. Before I became Christian, I used to think exactly the same as you two: My partner is equal to me, no more, no less. She is another human being, after all. However, this is God's design, for the husband to be head over the wife in a family. It's not my own idea, it's written in the Bible. Note that all those verses are talking about spousal relationships, exclusively. There is nothing "wrong" with having a female boss, for example. You have a very good point there too, Vikk. That's why I recommended Ephesians 5 in context. Give it a read here.
It's not so much OUR kids we'd hate... hehe. Also, I do have ear problems that make screaming kids a new kind of hell. Seriously, Vykk. I don't care if my wife gets insulted beyond laughing at the poor soul's future. My wife is as strong as I am and when I am insulted, I shut people down. I've seen her do the same. Our love is weird I guess. It's more detached in a way. I mean we're always around each other but we're never tired of each other. We really are best friends I guess, which is funny when you think about the fact that I met her and a month later she moved out here... and she was my first. edit: It updated but no DLC? edit2: The wife doesn't want to (she did it too much in bible college to begin with) and I lack bible knowledge because I don't trust man to unbiasedly write down what god says. Even assuming everything did happen, I just can't trust my fellow man. We are all human. Humans are biased. Even as logical as I am, I know I'm biased.
So now I have two choices: Play Dungeons of Dredmor Sleep Decisions, decisions... EDIT: So RKade, you are implying that you believe God? You should know then, how great he is. Sure God wouldn't care about one satirical indie game, but don't you think he'll care about a book that has been printed billions of times, much less used as the foundation of the biggest belief system in the world?
Oh, I'm not questioning your love of your wife. I'm just saying I can't understand that. Like, I literally can't see it. But that's because I am the way I am. I'm probably unique, in that crying children don't really bother me. I am the oldest of seven children, so I have heard much crying. But that I can understand that for sure, especially if you have ear problems. @KamiKazeKenji: Yeah, that is a good scripture.
Mine comes from being neglected all my life in favor of normal kids. Environment can shape a person a hell of a lot of different ways.
Ahh, yes. What a rough childhood have I endured. But nothing in this world can change me more than my Father in heaven. (Apologies for the huge quote)