Add an ingame dev that you can give a sewer brew

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Skafsgaard, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Skafsgaard

    Skafsgaard Member

    Hey guys!
    Thanks for your lovely game.

    Though, most of us achievement whores got a bit disappointed when you added the achievement whose requirement was to buy you guys beer (Sewer Brew, I think?. That's out of reach for most of us, especially us from Europe or elsewhere in the world.

    Knowing that I can never get 100% of all achievements, it makes me not want to bother with all the other achievements, and in turn play the game less.

    So I suggest that you insert yourself into the game as a non-hostile character akin to Brax. You can even make yourselves extremely rare if you want. And that you let us get the achievement if we give you an alcoholic beverage or even a sewer brew specifically.

    You'll make us achievement whores very happy!

    Merry Christmas! :)
  2. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    I second the above sentiment. Anyone who's ever played DoD is guaranteed to want to buy you guys a beer should they ever meet you, so it's not unreasonable to have some sort of stand-in until the opportunity arises.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Seriously? There's completionists so anal out there that they won't play a game if they can't get all of the achievements?


    I'm sorry.
  4. Koffein

    Koffein Member

    just to let you know, i decided to stop playing DoD until the achievement-counter-bug gets fixed.
    i beat Dredmor a few times already - what else should i do but hunting achievements?