Full invenory + monster zoo reward = Game crashes

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by ololo666, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. ololo666

    ololo666 Member

    If there's no place in the inventory for the monster zoo reward,then game will crash. Happened twice to me.
  2. ChaoGuy2006

    ChaoGuy2006 Member

    This also happens when you nick something from a vending machine with full inventory (Diggle God extension here).
  3. blob

    blob Member

    Never got that with a vending machine yet. Item is dropped at my feet when my inventory is full ( which is pretty much always).
  4. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    Ditto. Evidently it's not a universal bug.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Strange, this isn't happening here, at least for the vending machine since that's easier to test. Which OS are you guys on?
  6. ololo666

    ololo666 Member

    Windows XP
  7. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Not happening for me either. Windows 7 64 bit.
  8. ChaoGuy2006

    ChaoGuy2006 Member

    Windows 7 64 bit, bug happend once, but will try to test again if I can.
  9. You deserve recognition for still having a full inventory after defeating a monster zoo. No arrows used, no healing potions, no fungi, no wands, nothing?
  10. ololo666

    ololo666 Member

    Nope,just landmines ,ehm,"runes of exploding" and mp from blood magic.
  11. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    I cleared out two zoos yesterday with full inventory. The first one was fine, but the second one crashed the game.