Question Regarding Ammo Recovery Rates

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by The Diggler, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. The Diggler

    The Diggler Member

    I have several questions regarding the ammo recovery rates within the game. (By ammo recovery rate, I mean the chance that a bolt or thrown weapon will survive being used)

    First: What is the base ammo recovery rate for bolts and thrown items? I did some testing, and saw that even without archery or throwing, some ammo does survive, which means there is a base ammo recovery rate, although it seems very low.

    A supplementary question to this would be, what is the maximum recovery rate one gets once they have all the skills in the archery tree? Meaning, if the base recovery rate is 15%, and one gets 35% from the archery tree, does that mean that 50% of all the bolts fired would be recoverable?

    Last Question: Do bolts and thrown items use the same stat for ammo recovery? I was thinking about trying a Throwing + Archery build to try and max out the recovery rates on my bolts (70% + base recovery rate by my math), but after trying it out, it seems like the ammo recovery from the Archery tree wasn't helping with the recovery rate of thrown items.

    So, hypothetically, would the ammo recovery bonus from Throwing help recovery bolts and vice versa?
  2. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    Nope, sadly.