Interior Dredmorating version

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by r_b_bergstrom, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Did you change the shop layouts to make stealing from Brax harder? Or am I just bad at shoplifting?
  2. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I added two shops in version 1.0, then revised one of those two slightly in 1.1.2. If your method of theft involves trying a random teleport to get outside of his shop, then I suppose I might have made it harder, but otherwise, no.
    Wi§p likes this.
  3. Btw, I'm using 5-6 mods now, 1.1.2 being one of them and my random crashing has almost stopped entirely. +1
  4. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    Oh man, I like the mod pretty much, but I have to say you should tweak it a little bit. Many (most?) of new rooms are too hard on level one (dwarvifsh difficulty). My dying / living ratio on level one is now 1.0

    I don't know if this is possible, but you should make some rooms spawnable only on certain levels. For example, there shouldn't be any zombys or unfriendly AI on level 1, but there are. Plenty...

    During my playthroughs, I used to clean entire level before I go down. I don't like leaving any monsters on previous levels. :p
  5. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Absolutely you can (and I do) make rooms only spawnable on certain floors. I've got some new rooms that don't show up till you get very deep, like level 12 or 13.

    Honestly, I've been trying to decide whether or not to restrict the Zomby Zoo down to the next floor only. Your input has just tipped the scales. I'll restrict it to the second floor only in the next version, which will come out relatively soon. I want my mod to be a little harder than the main game, but I think that room pushes it too far when it spawns on Floor 0.

    Until I get it revised, remember Zombys take extra damage from fire and righteous sources, Unfriendly AI take extra damage from voltaic weapons or spells. Part of the challenge of the game is knowing which spells or weapons against specific monsters. (Though admittedly, one has a lot fewer available options when you're first or second level and lacking the zorkmids to buy the good stuff.)

    I was initially okay with the Zomby Zoo on the first floor based on the idea that the player can choose to hold off and not pull the lever until they're ready to face that many zombys, but sometimes the <horde /> command glitches up and puts 4 or 5 zombys on the wrong side of the bars where you can't avoid them. When that happens early on the floor, it ends up killing the character. It's a rogue-like, so that's sort of okay, but it's happening more than you or I'd like, so I'll move it.

    The Unfriendly AI in the "Wandering Monster Break Room", however, is sort of intended as a mini-boss at the end of the level, and also kind of a trap for those who aren't careful with where they place their area effects and explosives. The Unfriendly AI always spawns behind a special custombreakable that keeps him away from the player. You can choose to skip him entirely if you're not up to it, or at least to delay the fight till the last thing you do on the level. I could downgrade him to a Zomby, I suppose, and may do so in the update I mentioned.

    For the record, even without any mods the game does sometimes spawn Zombys, Deths and Mummies on the first floor. I believe 1.0.9 rev B increased the frequency of off-level monster spawns, probably to mitigate the complaints about how the last several floors of Realm of the Diggle Gods get so repetitive (there's one floor in 1.0.9 version A where you initially only saw animals, which caused some trouble for Vegans, and another where you only saw potatoes and floating heads which was frustrating in other ways). 1.0.9 rev B came out less than a week before my mod did, so you might not have noticed the variation until you were playing my mod. It's not documented in the change log for 1.0.9 revision B, but it's clearly happening even when I don't have my mod installed (or have installed a test version that includes nothing but the single room I want to debug or test), so it's not something I've done.
  6. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    Thanks for your reply. About a Zomby zoo , yes, I encountered 5 zombys without pushing the lever, and I killed them with huge problem (explosive arrows) , and then , another room, demon chest - no luck - A DEMON! - and I'm dead :D

    It's good to know you choose intentionally what rooms should spawn on which floors :) I will test it more, maybe I won't die in first 15 minutes next time ;D

    PS. I don't know how others see this, but for me - Zomby Zoo should be on level 2. ;)
  7. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The Zomby Zoo is mine, and I apologize for it making your game less enjoyable then you were expecting. As I said, I'll get that room moved down a floor when next I update (which should be soon).

    The demon, however, is not mine. The game (without any mods installed) randomly places Evil Chests scattered about the dungeon, sometimes even on the first floor. Evil Chests always have a chance of being populated by a named monster that is several levels more powerful than what usually shows up on that floor. Here's another strategy tip that applies to the main game, regardless of mods: I'd recommend not opening Evil Chests if you're still first or second level, and certainly don't over open one if your current hit points are low. Come back to them when you're healed or leveled up.

    EDIT: Corrected a factual inaccuracy, as it is entirely possible that the chest you opened was on the map because of my mod... but it would still be a normal Evil Chest with the usual odds of spawning a very potent monster just as they often do in the main game. There no way for a mod to alter the contents of an Evil Chest.
  8. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    You don't need to apologize for nothing. IT's your mod, you did tremendous work. My opinion was only a guide how you would balance down the rooms on first dungeon level. ;)
  9. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Just wanted to say that I really enjoy this mod, particularly the quirkiness (super long dredmor table, hall of garlics, donut and booze monuments, etc.). I hope it gets picked up for inclusion in the base game. Great work!
  10. tehrei

    tehrei Member

    I never did run into the Zomby Zoo on level 1, but judging from what you guys are saying it sounds reasonable to restrict it to level 2. The Unfriendly AI, on the other hand, should still be able to spawn on level 1 imo. It's fairly easy to avoid if you don't feel up to beating it, but if you do it definitely fills the boss-monster spot quite well -- in addition to adding more variety to the dungeon. <--- sounds like "working as intended" to my ears :p
  11. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks to everyone for all the kind words of encouragement. You folks make modding fun and rewarding.
    Essence likes this.
  12. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    It's not Unfriendly AI toughness makes me think it doesn't suit there. It's the first level theme. Unfriendly AI spawns mostly on 'cybernetic' themed levels, this is why I thought it belongs there. (for example, that computer on the wall isn't fitting first level theme at all IMHO
  13. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well, that _is_ the wandering monster room. It even says so on the table. :) So there should be "wrong" monsters who wandered in from other floors. That's kinda the point. (Plus, the whole room is a reference to the Paranoia tabletop RPG, and the classic adventure "Orcbusters" which featured an anachronistic dungeon that was surprisingly devoid of orcs, but had a break room where the wandering monsters congregated between shifts.)

    But seriously, you'll find as you play that the game (with or without mods) gets kinda sloppy about theme. The Machinarium, which is level 12 or so, is this coppery high-tech looking place that's filled with nothing but potatoes and disembodied heads. Huh? But even before that - why does the moonbase level have djinns? Why does the library/ship's hold/carpentry level have jungle shamans? What are traffic cones and chainsaw-axes doing in a medieval dungeon? Why are there Diggle God shrines on floors that don't even have diggles to worship them? The anachronisms, contradictions, and goofy gags are part of the game's charm.

    EDIT: Not that I'm saying level theme isn't important. I'd say it comes in as the third most important factor, behind "fun" and "play balance". But the game already gives random "off-level" monsters, as well as "on-level" monsters that are outside the obvious theme of the floor, and vending machines in the middle of a dungeon. My single robot and computer in a single room is probably not a big offender in the grand scheme of things.
  14. keeveek

    keeveek Member

    Monsters, ok, but that room has a computer on the wall! :p
  15. What about 2 versions of the mod. A more challenging version and a less challenging version. Personally, after reading your concerns, I am wanting to try the harder zoo. Heck, you can always run and come back later. :) .02
  16. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The Computer is your friend, citizen. All hail Friend Computer! Only a commie mutant traitor would speak poorly of The Computer. The punishment for Treason of Word (or Thought) is summary execution. Please report to the nearest termination booth immediately for corrective vaporization. Thank you, and have a nice daycycle. :p

    EDIT: Citizen r_b_bergstrom has been brain-wiped and demoted to infrared status for neglecting the second half of the word "daycycle". It won't happen again.
    Essence likes this.
  17. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Was it not supposed to be "daycycle" instead of "day", r_b_bergstrom?
    Either way, I think that if there is an issue with people thinking that way about some spawns, having two versions of the mod isn't a bad solution.
  18. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    No offense intended, but I'm not going to make two versions of the mod over something as silly as this.

    There's two rooms Keeveek thinks I should change. I'm fixing the balance issue by moving the Zomby Zoo to the second floor where it belongs, but I'm leaving Friend Computer right where I put him. It's just that simple.
    • One is for balance reasons, and Keeveek makes a good point. Since I agree with the assessment, I'm going to change that one next time I upload the mod.
    • The other is a minor difference of opinion regarding creative elements and the whether or not a computer is more anachronistic than a vending machine. Such disagreements happen, it's no big deal, and I don't feel compelled to alter my mod because one person didn't get the reference/in-joke.
    While feedback is always appreciated, there's a difference between contributing feedback and having final cut. Thanks again for all the input, folks, but I've made my decision on this particular issue. If anyone has things to say about other parts of my mod, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts, but I think we've put this issue to bed.
  19. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    So be it.

    I don't particularly mind since I prefer the current version either way.
  20. You and your mod suck unidentifiable diggle slime. ;)
    Great work, I look forward to the updates.