Late game use for those unused zorkmids?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tycho, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    A bribery skill. Throw money at a monster, instant ally (or at least non-hostile). Amount of money required scales up with monster and dungeon level, and named monsters would be immune (also, quest-related monsters would be immune too)

    Oh hey, found a thread from July 2011 that discussed this. My bad.
  2. epiceuropean

    epiceuropean Member

    I'd like to be able to bribe Krong, personally. Spend 50k to guarantee a positive enchantment.
    Wi§p, Essence, Ryvian and 1 other person like this.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Personally, I'd like a tag to put on items that makes them only show up in shops. :)
    Wi§p likes this.
  4. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    Well, which reminds me, when I use to play TD on WC3 games, there were a few maps, where you can "bribe" the random number generators to increase the likelihood of generating better towers. What could be done is instead create Krong shrines, where players can make "Offerings" that would increase the likelihood of better Krong enchantments for any Krong anvils on that floor. Where in, players will have to decide whether an item should now be lutefisked or stored until they find a store to sell for those extra Zorkmids.
    For a small fee, you can increase chance of positive enchantment.
    For a larger fee, you can guarantee 1 positive enchantment.
    For a very large fee, you can increase chance of multiple enchantments.
    For an exorbitant fee you can increase chance of multiple positive enchantment.
    Something like that?
  5. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    ^ I was about to say something like that. Maybe just shrines where you can buy stat points or other bonuses (for very high prices, like 10,000 a point).
  6. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    10k? missing a few 0's there my friend lol. I've easily gotten 1mil+
    Good stats shouldn't be something so cheap as a lirpa by level 11+.
  7. kino5

    kino5 Member

    Funny, today I was talking with a friend about doing a mod featuring spending lots of money. Maybe I'll do something when I finish what I'm doing right now. It's gonna be a while, since I'm still learning, but hey, who knows.
  8. Tycho

    Tycho Member

    Oh! One word.

    SkyMuffin and Ryvian like this.
  9. kino5

    kino5 Member

    ^ I support this idea or anything that has to do with gambling :p
  10. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    oh my god this is going to turn into me playing The Binding of Isaac all over again. Gambling for ages in the hopes of winning the jackpot...
    It would be nice if you could add your name onto an item. But I think you meant something else.
  11. A little box on a shelf which reads "donations for dredmor" and you can chuck as much as you'd like to donate in there and it will give you a random item depending on how much you donate the better the item, including better stats, but its also possible that this increases dredmors strength or possible the number of monsters on the level or in the room with him (as he can clearly afford better gear for himself and more minions now you've donated to him)
    Psiweapon likes this.