Turreteer Mod (Skill ID 182)

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by RaustBlackDragon, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. Right, so I just finished a simple little skill tree mod, which adds the turretman skill tree to the game. The premise: It allows you to craft the normally uncraftable arrow traps, if you have the required tinkering skill. needless to say, you'd be insane to take this without tinkering.

    All 6 turrets are craftable if you can reach level 6 tinkering affinity and max out this tree. The traps are STILL irretrievable however, so place with care.
  2. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    Without looking at the code or testing it I just want to make sure that when you are using the trap it is lined up with the gargoyle arrow trap. That is the only way those traps work i believe.
  3. You'd THINK that, but I discovered otherwise when using Swiftstriker. if an arrow trap appears on a place where no arrow turret exists, an arrow turret is created for it. This happens when moved, so it should happen when placed.
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    <nods> I've actually seen arrow traps for sale at Brax' store, and they created the appropriate gargoyle when placed. So this sounds like it should work.
  5. yeah, the problem is, I can't get the spells to work. You've made items spawn before with ninjitsu, think you could take a look?
  6. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    it seems you have included some unnecessary files:

    thumbs.db --no idea what this is
    .DS_Store -- located in a few of your folders
    .itemDB.xml.swp -- again, this is something I'm unfamiliar with.

    Those aside....I looked through the code and your items look fine. There's no problem there. Same goes for the crafting, looks like it should be working. I haven't experimented in skills/spells yet to know if the code is right for those. So you can safely bet that the problem is only with the spells/skills.
  7. those sound like mac file things. Except the .swp, which is because of the way my xml editor works. I'll screw around with things.
  8. Razarus

    Razarus Member

    thumbs.db --no idea what this is
    .DS_Store -- located in a few of your folders

    thumbs is a file created when throwing something on a portable source that is not a flashdrive or anything like it, for example if you throw files on your mp3 from a disc different than default (c:/), DS_Store is a store file from Nintendo DS console i think so i judge you made something on a different pc and threw it on a DS (out of any other option) to carry it home to upload it here. Either that or
    thumbs was created during a disc cleaning (like fragmentation) and the DS store indeed is a MAC file.
    Anyway those are not needed for dredmor or otherwise they are just not needed, delete them so DoD wont accidentally use them cos it would probably crash the game.
    The last file (.item...) i dunno, looks like a swap file for itemDB.xml, you moders should know that one xP
  9. I got it to work... sort of... I can't get the nicknacks to automatically go into your inventory, but I can get them to show up at least.

    I did this whole thing on a whim late at night, so there might be balancing issues, but I'd really appreciate feedback!

    Attached Files:

  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Downloaded. I'll give it a shot when i have time.
  11. Thanks, I appreciate it!

    I'm trying it out myself, with a PURE ROGUE BUILD. Suicidal, I know, but fun.
  12. Anybody have any feedback on this?
  13. Loren

    Loren Member

    I think the idea for this mod is interesting and I am pleased that you are working on it, however I think some things should be looked at more closely.

    Overall I think this skill is underpowered.
    1) The skill gives nothing besides the ability to make the arrow traps. Even the crafting skills give the player additional base stat boosts. Consider giving some stats.
    2) Currently, this skill is at the whim of the RNG. If the components to make the arrow traps aren't readily available, this skill serves no purpose (see 1). Consider giving the player abilities that would more readily let them produce arrow traps.
    3) You suggest taking Tinkering along with this. A good idea which helps with the availability of trap materials. However as one levels in tinkering, you lose the ability to make iron bolts and acid ampoule bolts.
  14. I was concerned the skill might be underpowered. At least at first... but I had kinda figured that access to an inexaustible bolt of squid turret would be worth it. Did you manage to make it that far?

    Also, yeah, I'm going to add stat bonuses or something. Do you have anything particular in mind?

    and... how do you LOSE recipes?
  15. Loren

    Loren Member

    I didn't get that far. I tend to die fairly early.

    Maybe sneakiness for one? I could see many uses for being able to step over the bolt traps that I have placed.
  16. Oh YES. What exactly is the calculation for success rate in not activating a trap? does anybody know? I'm fairly sure it's not 1 to 1, because I had 0 sneakiness and I still avoided setting off a trap one time.
  17. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I don't know the precise measurement, but I know for certain that you cannot set off a trap, even if you want to, at 100 Sneakiness -- but you can at 80. I don't know where between those two the tipping point lies.
  18. If only sneakiness was separate from what makes mobs ignore you. Too much of a sneakiness bonus would make you nigh invincible, but I could definitely give some. Oh, and essence, what did YOU think of the skill tree?
  19. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Sorry, RBD, I've been completely focused on finishing Kung Fu for the last 48 hours. I'll give you an opinion once I'm able to pay attention to something else. :)