Polymorph problem

Discussion in 'Modding' started by 1eleven, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. 1eleven

    1eleven Member

    I was poking around in the werediggle skill code for research for my current project and i was quite surprised that the command for diggle form just named a file (looks like this)
    <polymorph name="diggle"/>
    so I thought that it would be fairly easy to change the file location and turn into something else but when when i substituted "diggle" for "batty" in my mod spellDB (to test my theory) I got a really weird effect instead of changing into a batty I would change into a random monster whenever i recast the spell i would become a random monster, an interesting effect but not the effect i was attempting to achieve, but some thing i may use later. I would like to know how to make it so it isn't random, also I would like to whether or not it is possible to make it so you can use other skills while polymorph is active, that would be helpful.
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  2. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    From what I've read, to allow skill use while polymorphed, you may have to make a polymorph version of the skill. I'm sure a more experienced modder might clarify or add more info.
  3. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    There already is a Batty polymorph spell. Look at 'Batty Form'.

    This is probably a case sensitivity issue. Make sure you correctly capitalize the polymorph monster name.
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    <ponders using the 'random monster' effect instead of Carrotty for Wilde Magicks>
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  5. Please do. One of the things I love about Wilde Magicks is that random/chaotic nature of it, as by design. :)
  6. 1eleven

    1eleven Member

    I was able to get it working by just copying the batty form skill from the vampire skill tree, but i still couldnt figure out what was wrong with my original code. in the end i decided to put that project(you were going to be able to be the batman) away until my skills are greater, but i am almost done with a new skill set which should be interesting i will try an release it in the next couple days.

    P.S. If anyone could tell me how to start dungeons of dredmor debug mode that would be great.