
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Golbez, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Golbez

    Golbez Member

    Bring back deadshot :( At least for the sake of the achievement :(
  2. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    I can't see why it was taken out really.. if the Developers don't want it part of the original game, then maybe someone could make a skill tree mod based on the old Deadshot that would correspond with the achievement, although perhaps slightly different/ better/ cooler than the original skill tree.
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    They probably didn't want it in because they didn't really know what to do with it. On one hand, it's like a downplayed version of perception, and on the other, it could get some better stuff but then it would be like a weapon skill that applies to all weapons.
  4. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    You know, if they just gave it better procs, lengthened it and applied it to crossbows and thrown weapons it could probably become better.
  5. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    The point is, there's no easy way to only make them apply to ranged weaponry. It works on everything, and thus there's no easy way to differentiate it from perception, at least not now.

    Sure, it can be differentiated, and I reckon they'll be capable of doing that if they got a good idea for it, but that requires them to actually get that idea, either from their own brainstorm, or from one of us posting it for them.
  6. Ryvian

    Ryvian Member

    Give it more crossbowhiteffect triggers that would make it more appealing, like for example, I don't know, maybe "An arrow to the knee" or something, and turn them into... well I'm sure you catch the drift. Maybe like a long ranged disable active skill that also cripples the target's ability to dodge, and roots them into place. A shot that would pierce a target and any target directly behind them (it's difficult to code this, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this without using a template, and that wouldn't work on diagonals). And maybe a bullseye skill that marks a target, making them extremely vulnerable to piercing damage, and places a Easy Target Buff, but stronger on him, and a Robin Hood skill that causes each subsequent throwing/crossbow hit on a target triggers bullseye, like shooting an arrow on the arrow you shot him with..
    Wi§p likes this.
  7. Troacctid

    Troacctid Member

    If you just want the achievement, it's still supported in the game code. Go to the folder with your DoD saves and find last.txt (that's the thing that controls the skills you get when you hit "Last" on the character creation menu) and change one of the numbers to 12, which is the number for Deadshot.

    Once you do that, you can hit "Last" when choosing your skills, and Deadshot will pop up in the bar.

    As for the suggestion, eh...I think Deadshot was a lame skill anyway, and I'm not sorry that it's gone.
  8. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    That is an interesting work around.. although I do have to agree that it was a lame skill tree. I'm not saying it should be brought back the way it was though, I had thought that the skill tree was still interesting, and a new version of it could be really nice to see, especially with effects that are actually useful and unique.. rather than just pure accuracy boosts.
  9. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Maybe a capstone that lets you do the Golden Crossbow effect with a 1% proc chance on ranged attacks? Because then it would really be a Deadshot skill tree.

    Of course, Vash would never do that, but this ain't Trigun. This is Dredmor.