Also, should I make some skill icons, or should I make some monster animations, like the lutefish that drop lutefisk?
I like the idea of a community mod. I havent read the whole thread but, are you gonna have a list of task that we can attribute to people ? I might help with items, monsters and animations.
Badboy, if there's an area that interests you, just let the rest of us know. Monster animations would be appreciated, as I'm the only one working on them currently, but icons will be necessary as well, considering all the planned deific favour buffs. Blob, Meat linked a google doc page that we've been using for exactly that purpose. It's on the second page, so I'll edit my first post to include it. For reference, it's here:
Yeah, you know how when I said people don't use the skill much? I'm one of the people. And honestly, I rarely look at the crafting row on my character sheet in the first place. If I'm using it, I know what level its at. But it's nice to know that it won't hose the idea, it seems interesting.
Yea so the gap tends to need triggers itself, just incase. I'll give that a go, I handn't got to trying to move it, as I wasnt sure how the game handles monsters in the wall. A downside I can see to that however is the potential of the mimic showing up should the wall its "hiding" in be destroyed by mass destruction (as I am uncertain if you can actually stop mass drestruction destroying walls). EDIT: Unfortunatly it's the same effect. which leads me to believe that scripts are run last (or first) in the sequence of things that happen each turn. It makes sence, because you typically want things to happen after the player has moved. For the mimic this is an issue mostly for diagnoals as there is no responce from a chest if you click on it (its now a monster), where as straight on you get the attack mimic, so get some feedback. Its unfortunate as typically we want the mimic to do something first.
Is there already someone assigned to the mimic sprite ? As I said in another thread I would freaking love to do this one.
Dont think so, I've just been using the ingame chest icons for testing purposes. As far as I know only Blind Piper has been doing any art as of yet.
Go ahead, Blob! I have a sizable stack of animations to do already. Plus, I have a notable sum of homework for university due Thursday that'll eat up some time. For the record, I'm currently working on Golems, talking with Loren about getting tinting to work in monDB.xml so I don't have to include a separate set of images for each Golem variant we include. I'm fine for taking a stab at animating any monsters, so feel free to work on whatever interests you, just let the rest of us know so we don't double up on anything. EDIT: Since my misplaced work ethic has brought me here instead of my homework, I've started working on Dwarves, as well. An image was left on my page of the google doc. First I laughed, then I replied with a joke, then I decided that I'll give it a bigger beard, put it in a kilt, and give it an axe to throw. Then I'll call it a dwarf. If people would prefer something wackier than an axe for throwing, give me a suggestion. Meat's suggestions were: Thrown axes, thrown mugs, thrown eggs, thrown chairs, thrown wives.
The plan is that anything can be made into a mimic. So feel free to go with whichever, the main ones I'd go for are chest0 (the rounded wooden one) and uberchests (just to be realy evil). Though given it spawns from a chest it realy doesnt need to look much like one once you are done since it will appear when it comes to life, though being similar would make that far more believeable.
I m going for the classic ones, like that Edit: Got that. Blind Piper, do I have rights to edit the mod's google doc page ? Otherwise if you could just add my name in the other monster category.
Is there any trick to getting modded spells to work? It seems that I can get a core spell to work via scripts however if I directly copy that same spell and paste it into a mod (moving the sprites over aswell) and only change the name it crashes.
Personally I'd love it if we had both axe-throwing ("Dwarf") and mug-throwing ("Dwarven brewmaster", or something along these lines) variants, but I'll be fine with whatever you create.
Finished spiders and here are the web spells: Also note, it uses ingame sprites for everything, since I don't actually have anything done for images yet. Gonna try and test this soon. How do I enter debug mode btw? Code: <spellDB> - <spell name="Light Webbing" type="missile"> <effect type="damage" blasting="1" affectsCaster="1" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_bolt/acid_bolt" frames="3" framerate="80" sfx="missile" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Trapped by Webbing" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Light Webbing Trap" /> </spell> - <spell name="Sticky Webbing" type="missile"> <effect type="damage" blasting="1" affectsCaster="1" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_bolt/acid_bolt" frames="3" framerate="80" sfx="missile" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Stuck by Webbing" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Sticky Webbing Trap" /> </spell> - <spell name="Suffocating Webbing" type="missile"> <effect type="damage" blasting="1" affectsCaster="1" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_bolt/acid_bolt" frames="3" framerate="80" sfx="missile" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Suffocated by Webbing" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Suffocating Webbing Trap" /> </spell> - <spell name="Light Webbing Trap" type="targetfloor" mine="1" mineTimer="6" mineradius="1" minePermanent="1" mineSpritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/acidpool/acidpool" mineSpriteDrawOrder="0" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="100"> <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="1" affectscaster="1" /> <ai hint="mine" /> </spell> - <spell name="Sticky Webbing Trap" type="targetfloor" mine="1" mineTimer="8" mineradius="1" mineSpriteDrawOrder="0" minePermanent="1" minespritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/acidpool/acidpool" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="100"> <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="2" affectscaster="1" /> <ai hint="mine" /> </spell> - <spell name="Suffocating Webbing Trap" type="targetfloor" mine="1" mineTimer="12" mineradius="2" minePermanent="1" mineSpriteDrawOrder="0" minespritePNGSeries="sprites/sfx/acidpool/acidpool" mineSpritePNGFirst="0" mineSpritePNGNum="4" mineSpritePNGRate="100"> <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="4" affectscaster="1" /> <ai hint="mine" /> </spell> - <spell name="Trapped by Webbing" type="target" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" wand="1"> <effect type="damage" bleed="1" asphyxiative="2" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="paralyze" amount="3" affectsCaster="1" turns="1" self="0" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_burn/acid_burn" frames="7" sfx="magic" framerate="100" centerEffect="1" /> <buff useTimer="1" time="5" stacksize="1" allowstacking="0" self="0" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" bad="1"> <halo name="sprites/sfx/acid_puff/acid_puff" first="0" num="6" frameRate="100" /> <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-3" /> <!-- Dodge --> <secondarybuff id="7" amount="-3" /> <!-- Block --> <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-3" /> <!-- Counter --> <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-3" /> <!-- EDR --> <resistbuff conflagratory="-2" toxic="-1" /> </buff> <effect type="dot" amount="5" spell="Suffocation0" /> <description text="You're tangled in annoying ammounts of cobwebs, reducing your combat abilities." /> </spell> - <spell name="Stuck by Webbing" type="target" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" wand="1"> <effect type="damage" bleed="1" asphyxiative="4" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="paralyze" amount="3" affectsCaster="1" turns="3" self="0" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_burn/acid_burn" frames="7" sfx="magic" framerate="100" centerEffect="1" /> <buff useTimer="1" time="5" stacksize="1" allowstacking="0" self="0" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" bad="1"> <halo name="sprites/sfx/acid_puff/acid_puff" first="0" num="6" frameRate="100" /> <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-6" /> <!-- Dodge --> <secondarybuff id="7" amount="-6" /> <!-- Block --> <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-6" /> <!-- Counter --> <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-6" /> <!-- EDR --> <resistbuff conflagratory="-2" toxic="-2" /> </buff> <effect type="dot" amount="5" spell="Suffocation0" /> <description text="You're tangled in annoying ammounts of cobwebs, reducing your combat abilities." /> </spell> - <spell name="Suffocated by Webbing" type="target" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" wand="1"> <effect type="damage" bleed="1" asphyxiative="8" affectsCaster="1" /> <effect type="paralyze" amount="2" affectsCaster="1" turns="2" self="0" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/acid_burn/acid_burn" frames="7" sfx="magic" framerate="100" centerEffect="1" /> <buff useTimer="1" time="5" stacksize="1" allowstacking="0" self="0" icon="skills/spells/acid_burn64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/acid_burn32.png" bad="1"> <halo name="sprites/sfx/acid_puff/acid_puff" first="0" num="6" frameRate="100" /> <secondarybuff id="6" amount="-9" /> <!-- Dodge --> <secondarybuff id="7" amount="-9" /> <!-- Block --> <secondarybuff id="8" amount="-9" /> <!-- Counter --> <secondarybuff id="9" amount="-9" /> <!-- EDR --> <resistbuff conflagratory="-3" toxic="-3" /> </buff> <effect type="dot" amount="5" spell="Suffocation1" /> <description text="You're tangled in annoying ammounts of cobwebs, reducing your combat abilities." /> </spell> - <spell name="Suffocation0" type="target"> <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="2" affectsCaster="1" /> </spell> - <spell name="Suffocation1" type="target"> <effect type="damage" asphyxiative="3" affectsCaster="1" /> </spell> </spellDB>
Need to give me or BP or anyone else who currently has access your email address. Preferably a gmail address, it can be a headache otherwise but is technically feasible.