Sudoku puzzle

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Essence, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK, so inspired by J-Factor's Game of Life, I decided maybe I should try to make a puzzle room that gives you an item if you solve a sudoku puzzle. Then I realized I have absolutely no clue how to make rooms at all, never have. So before I pound my head against the wall, I figured I'd ask the experts:

    Is this possible?
    and if so, is it worthwhile? Or will everyone just write down the one possible solution and then be annoyed that they have to spend 10 minutes moving the pieces around to get the prize and just ignore it?
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Yes, it is possible. But you'd have to make a new room for every new version of said "Sudoku", and you'd also have to give the player a rather large amount of runes for that (most probably around 60~70).
    So ask yourself is this worthwhile. But if you have a lot of time on your hands, then I don't see why shouldn't you try.
  3. Wi§p

    Wi§p Member

    It seems a bit too similar to the rune thing, plus it would be annoying to have to move around the pieces for the rare item.. unless it was a really good item I wouldn't even try to get it personally. If you do make a puzzle, I suggest something that is a bit shorter, but very very confusing, if that is possible with the game mechanics ofcouse.

    As a suggestion, what about a room with 3 doors, one leads to something dangerous, one leads to loot (may be trapped/ a trick), and one leads to something a bit odd. The main room could have some kind of hints/ puzzle to help you know which is the good one/ bad one. There should also be multiple rooms for the 3 door types (optional), and only a maximum of 2 doors should be opened (opening the third triggers a trap). Breaking the walls/ teleporting in without opening a door should have serious consequences if possible.
    kino5 likes this.
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks for the feedback, that's pretty much what I was afraid of. :) I'll start working up something more like what you describe, Wi§p. :)
  5. Loren

    Loren Member

  6. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    Trap or no, I'm an explorer and refuse to move to the next floor till I have explored every room (and in the case of Monster Zoos, defeat every zoo monster). :p Expect me to open every single door. XD
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Famous last words...

    Every mod that adds rooms will have to make a Dray`Gon room with multiple doors. (I too follow the explore every last corner rule. If a mod were made to render it impossible to get to every last tile I would go crazy trying to find a way around it.) :)
  8. Loswaith

    Loswaith Member

    The question that comes with a door room is can you add doors in the middle of a 'room', and not screw up the random generator?
  9. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    No top down game is complete without an ice block pushing puzzle.

    Or maybe sokoban.
  10. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    I dont think so, but one could place an object blocker such as a grate and then a lever can open/remove the blocker.
  11. banjo2E

    banjo2E Member

    You mean like if someone made a room with a large cube of walls in the middle, surrounded by a moat?

    And inside the walls is a monster zoo filled with level ten antimagic field traps?
    Wi§p likes this.