"Stubborness" -> "Stubbornness". Putrefying hover-over text: "refridgerator" -> "refrigerator". More as I find them.
Is your refrigerator running? Let the typos be damned. We paid only for a good game. We have that. We would have to pay three times as much to get a bunch of grammar Nazis here to flail the developers for their futile efforts to have perfect English.
To clarify my insanity, I cannot stand the thought of misspelling, typos, or poor grammar existing in my work any more than I can stand stray pixels floating around my art. IT WILL BE PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL!
No. The text is saying exactly what it means to say, no characters are missing or out of place or swapped for something else. The problem is you are only supposed to level when your experience goes over the target number. Matching it doesn't count. So the default mouse over text reads weird when you're right on the dot. Reprogramming it to display different text in such an obscure case is more trouble than it's probably worth. Ditto for the softball thing. A softball isn't plural, and recoding the game to add an "s" to the end of multiple items may very well be more trouble than its worth. Better to think of it as a variant on the mathematical phrase "Softball * 10", as Softball(10) would be a valid mathematical means of expression.
Could probably add a -1 to the end of the formula used to calculate experience requirements, though. The softballs weren't the other illogical thing. Good guess though.
You have a Gargleblaster and yet no Syzergy? Gargleblasters existing in the first place? Finding a Phylactery on the first level? Actually, on closer examination, there's a lot of illogical things in that picture. Could you be more specific?
Some people have found Time Lord Scarves before hitting Level 6, so that's hardly the strangest thing I've seen. There's an example of that here, in fact. I once got a magic Knightly Helm as my DL2 Monster Zoo reward and wore it the entire run. Getting out of level equipment in the early game every now and then is fun, even if it does fill one with a sense of foreboding (what's this game gonna do to me now?)
Actual definite typo: The mouse-over for the Easy Target Curse effect is missing an apostrophe at the end of the word "enemies". At the end, not before the s.
Ah, why not go for the gusto. Found four in my skill tome. Just trying to help, not trying to nitpick. I had to look hard to find them. "bores" should be "bore" "Indiscrete" should be "Indiscreet" Missing a full stop at the end. Finally, Honestly, I go cross-eyed trying to read this, but I think that "reifiying" is supposed to be "reifying." Or maybe something else entirely. My head hurts. None of these are bad, mind you. I play with most of these skills on a regular basis, and only noticed them now because I was looking for them. db, don't let it make you cray-cray. As long as there are words that must be typed, there will be typos. Take it from me...I'm a glorified typist.
How about the fact that Banjo is using the Interior Dredmoring mod because I noticed the Hamm drink in his inventory? That could be considered unusual.