Dredmor 1.0.10 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    The tutorial definitely pushes you to experiment, but I think it's kind of... I'm not sure, expecting a lot of the player?

    It's the same with the skills you can take and the things you can craft. Unless you memorise everything, you cannot know exactly what you're doing, and that's partially why I stick to the same few skills. It's not that I don't want to try something else, it's that I don't know what I'd be doing and reading about skills on the DoD Wiki is not the same as actually experiencing it.

    I think it'd be great if GLG, Daynab and some of the better versed members worked together to create a no-nonsense guide to DoD. It explains the basics of the skills, which are good for beginners and those for more advanced users, gives a general run down of what you want or don't want, explains the messages in the feed (such as Cash Register) and so on, but really just creates a guide for those of us who don't play (m)any roguelikes and would just like to have fun.

    An entry-level guide of sorts, if you will.
  2. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    In Angband, unided potions are really nasty late game, for example, the potion of Death, Ruination, and Detonations, the unholy trinity, if you will. :) Hard to beat those three.

    To Althea, I support your idea 100%, and I hope I could somehow manage to add to that guide, perhaps I could write some funny names as titles for the various sections? Like: Potions That you shouldn't drink, otherwise known as "Oh, god, why are my insides melting!?!?!"
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Truly random teleportation, yes, it is a curse. But one that only activates when you are hit can be useful, for ranged characters (which consists of not only mages).
    I do agree that a higher chance to get teleported to an adjacent time would be much better, in this instance.

    You know, that depends on the person. The first thing I thought when finding a Time Lord Scarf was "oh, cool, an auto-teleport item", only to later be bemused why the teleport effect wasn't there. And if the teleport effect got fixed so that you couldn't randomly teleport into walls, I'd find it to be a really good bonus (until I found a stronger item, that is), because most of my characters are focused on ranged offensive, so anything that gives me a chance to teleport away after a named monster I have trouble killing hits me is welcome.

    Meh, don't be. Walls of text are fun, though the one thing you might want to do if you are writing such posts is to include a tl;dr (aka. "Too long; didn't read") summary on the bottom for those with less time.
  4. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    I primarily wanted to chime in on the discussion about item special powers. I didn't even know that items had special powers unless there was a hint to it in the decsription! So I very frequently took things as the stand, comparing stats I could see and wondering things like "why on earth is this crappy fire tome worth 1300 gold?!?". Now I'm getting the impression that a LOT of items have special properties that you may or may not be able to easily find out about.

    To me the ideal solution is the one that Angband takes (or took, I think that changed it somewhere along the way), which was an identify spell and an *identify* spell. The first id'd the base item stats and minor specials. The second id'd all the fun goodies it could do, like integrated spells. In DoD, we already have the basics by default, so give us a way to ID stuff's special powers (maybe make it something fairly rare, to encourage more experimenting). This would also serve the purpose of letting players know that "hey, that thing you found may just be more than you think it is!"

    Now I know to really test everything! It really explains some of those crazy procs I get sometimes....
    Essence and DavidB1111 like this.
  5. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Out of curiosity's sake, why did you think that?
    Doctor Who neither teleports around randomly, nor does the TARDIS allow him to do so as well.
    I have to say, I'm surprised anyone would see that item, and think teleportation.

    As an example, I didn't expect the ring of ash to turn my enemies to ash when I first saw it. I just thought it was a "cool" +2 fire resist ring. :) By expecting it, I knew that upon equipping it, it wouldn't do anything special.
    I'm really curious.
    That said, I like Coldcandor's idea.
    I apologize for any confusion this brought.
  6. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Wait, the Ring of ash does special things too? man it's hard to figure this stuff out!

    I'm seriously tempted to going look at the pedia and find out what does what, but that feels so much like cheating :(
  7. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    No, it doesn't do anything. I was simply stating that I knew that it didn't do anything special.
    I'm sorry, I really should have been more clear.
  8. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Ah ok, lol. No worries. Keeping that in mind, though, I did discover an incredibly nice tome I would have otherwise said "meh" and probably sold. So thanks!
  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Well, if you really want to know, it went somewhat like this:
    Time Lord's Scarf -> Doctor's Scarf -> Doctor could move through time -> Perhaps it's a hidden pun with "Time Lord's" -> Teleporting instead of time-porting -> You aren't a time lord, so the scarf will teleport you randomly -> They wouldn't make you teleport like an idiot, so it has to be activated on hit -> Oh, cool, an auto-teleport item

    It just happens sometimes, randomly. Everyone thinks differently, so while the Time Lord's Scarf was easy for me to guess, there are other items that I have to experiment with to see the effects.
  10. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I'm actually taking the long weekend off, but I thought I'd descend into the pit to see how we were all doing. So... hi. :)

    Some notes:

    - The Random Teleport stuff... well, I don't know. I *think* it was intended to be a feature of the item; it seems that it's being a confusing pain in the ass. It might be that we should have a way to invoke skills on weapons/armour that you have equipped, by hand, with some degree of success a la Nethack - that might be much more in line with what we *want* as a game mechanic, as opposed to what we currently do.
    - I have no idea what's going on with the c character, short of speculating that you may have an international keyboard or a corrupted config file or something. If nobody else can reproduce this, I'm guessing that it's something about your computer. If somebody else gets it, please let me know.
    - "You need to BE the Diggle" is my new favourite phrase ever. Yes. You do need to BE the Diggle.
    - No idea what's going on with Hunter's Lure. It may be a legitimately crashing skill, in which case I guess that just shows how useful it was in the first place that it didn't get picked up during beta testing. :)
    - There is definitely a handful of stuff that didn't get fixed. I don't think any of it is particularily dramatic; it's mainly stuff that was pushed back and off of our radar so that we could put a build up for GameFly. In terms of the patch itself, I'm very happy with how it turned out. We have a few people having some sporadic issues, and I'll spend some time tracking them down over the next few days - whoever sent me that call stack for the auto-save thing, that'll be very helpful - I haven't been able to reproduce the darned thing. I don't think it'll be another three months wait before we put out more bug fixes, although we'll have to figure out the exact new schedule in a bit.

    That said, I'm very, very happy with how the patch turned out - especially given my attention split between Dredmor and Odin right now, and with everything else going on. Everybody in the community, with one exception, seems to be pretty happy with things, and I've gotten a lot of positive feedback.

    As a final happy note, I'm happy to announce that we now have Another Programmer on Dredmor! Chris Whitman will be joining us for a bit while we try to do more, faster; he comes to us most recently from Tiny Speck, where he worked on Glitch. I've invited him to wander in and say hi.
  11. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    For what it's worth, it's not crashing here. That said it is the worst skill in the history of DoD, yes :p
  12. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Even worse than Not Dritz when it was bugged and subtracted 5 counter chance? :)

    And, Nicholas, I for one would pay to see you guys do it more like Nethack.
    Just don't add Cockatrice corpses and the ability to fall down stairs and petrify yourself with them. :)
  13. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Instead, add Demogorgon and let us all die to the same singlular mob that is *Way* *WAY* overpowered.

    My Nethack characters that got that far usually died to Demogorgon. Not Vlad. Not the other hundred uniques. But Him alone.

    Cockatrice I could handle. Medusa I could handle. Even some of my Slash'Em characters managed well enough against all the other awful game breaking things. But Not him.

    To pay a proper Homage to that PiTA, you would have to give him stats greater than Dredmor AND the ability to put a DoT on you that will kill you in a few turns if you do not have and use a Unicorn horn successfully. And he can do that every last turn and teleport to you at any moment to do it again the same 'effing turn.

    Did I mention I hated that unique?

    But enough of that aside...

    Some good things from Nethack could be ported over. Bags of Holding would be one. As a matter of fact, that would be the most sought after item in the whole game if the engine can handle it without utter ruin. (Item loss and such.)

    It could have a D&D style of negative too. Like exploding any time you step on a displacement tile. (Anyone else toss a BoH into a Portable Hole to instagib something really really potent in the old school D&D?)
  14. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Items that grant you skills would be SWEET! However, I think there would need to be an improvement to the skill bar UI first. I already play more melee/rogue builds because it's so annoying having more skills than fit. (Don't get me wrong, I love these builds too, so I've got plenty to keep me occupied. I'm running a dual-tome-wielding unarmed character at the moment :D)

    Overall, I think the patch is a HUGE success. The only things I've found to complain about were issues long before this patch, most probably since game start. And not bugs, just disagreements with various things.
    Essence likes this.
  15. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Most of my DMs were of the opinion that doing so would open a dimensional rift that would eventually pull the entire world into itself... And no one was ever brave enough to find out.
  16. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Every time I did that or anything remotely similar it meant doom for the entire game. Always. But by the time I was willing to have a charmed kobold hold a portable hole so I could throw my BoH we were already pretty much toast. It invariably killed anything killable. And really upset things that were not too. (Potent Demons from the Lower Planes that could not ever really be killed would still be amazingly pissed that their physical bodies were destroyed by this sort of thing.)

    DMs hated me for some of my tactics. :)

    *Edit* A competent DM would find a way to keep the game going if they wanted to. Divines could intervein and thank you for destroying that foul whatever that you were fighting and restore you to life or somesuch. A *Really* good DM would probably change the person that did it into a Garden Gnome too for a day. :)
  17. zefria

    zefria Member

    Standard 103-key US Keyboard. I deleted DoD entirely and re-installed it and it works now so... I guess it was a config file thing?

    The game pretty clearly states that there's a 10-ft radius on the things being sucked in (assuming things are sucked in at all, what is put into what matters in this case), even in 2e. I don't know what your DMs were smoking.
  18. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I think I would get warned if I answered that... :)

    Even if the rules clearly stated something, the whole purpose of the DM was having someone make arbitrary decisions on things that the rules should not cover. The rules often covered everything most people came up with. But when they did not someone ultimately had to decide. So a few times the rules were not quite meshing with the story and the game we were playing. We tossed out those parts of the rules and had fun instead.

    *Edit* I should mention that when you are on one of the Lower Planes when you do this, and fighting an nearly invulnerable named deific creature it has a *Lot* more room for interpretation too.
  19. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Hello Chris for when you appear and stuff!
    coldcandor, FaxCelestis and Marak like this.
  20. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Run, Chris! We'll drain your sanity.

    I haven't played enough Nethack to know who Demogorgon is. The only one I know is from a mod of Diablo II that has him in it, and he says. "Demogorgon has awoken."
    He's also really annoying...

    Er, That's not really how a displacement tile works. It's a teleporter, not a Portable Hole. :)

    A Bag of Holding shouldn't have any problems with being teleported. Unless the teleport spell in D&D also kills you if you're carrying a Bag of Holding. Although, if that happened, I think the fans of D&D would go and beat their DMs/TSR/Wizards of the Coast about the head for a week or two with maces and flails.
    Fred:"How long does it take to kill someone with a decent flail whipping?"
    Angel:"Hours! If you do it properly, which you should never ever do."
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