Dredmor 1.0.10 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Apr 4, 2012.

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  1. Grim Peeper

    Grim Peeper Member

    No, but I'm going to go and try it if I ever find one. CHEATING POTENTIAL MAXIMIZED.
    SkyMuffin likes this.
  2. J-Factor

    J-Factor Member

    The level 7 crafts are possible in RotDG if you receive a certain blessing. Shame that by the time you can get that blessing you'll probably already have better equipment.
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Or you can just use the Clockwork Knight mod, and take the appropriate skill - it does (or at least did, I haven't time to play anything for the past 2 weeks so I can't be sure) give 2 additional points to smithing and tinkering each (and 1 point to alchemy, if I'm not mistaken), thus making it possible to get the level 6 and 7 stuff.
  4. zefria

    zefria Member

    I'm very unclear on what the point of a separate "secret recipes" button is in the crafting interface. If you have "have ingredients" and "have skill" activated, shouldn't the game just show you every single recipe you know regardless of if it's from a shelf or not? That seems most logical to me, but perhaps I'm insane.
  5. Grim Peeper

    Grim Peeper Member

    I think it's nice to be able to show just the secret recipes, since they always appear down at the very bottom of the crafting lists.
  6. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    That is how it works, the secret button is suppose is just to narrow it to the cooler stuff quickly. Though personally I find that just hitting "End" on the navigation works well enough :)
    Marak likes this.
  7. bloodhit

    bloodhit Member

    No mobs in monster zoo on lvl14, its bug?=)
  8. HowlingLotus

    HowlingLotus Member

    Ninja Diggles
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Thank you Gaslamp Games. I now have my copy of DoD + RotDG from Gamefly working perfectly. Your haste in fixing that little issue is greatly appreciated.

    In reading this thread I realized that I noticed half the little issues in 1.0.10 while I was running the RCs. I just always figured it was a known error and not important enough to nag about. What would help me in this regard would be a simplified error list compiled by each of us. Things like wearing cheese were not noticed by me, that I would surely have said something. But some errors had already been reported in previous RCs and so I read that and just presumed they were still known with the current RC at that time.

    What words to describe certain errors and bugs and other minutia is problematic though. We could easily have a hundred ways to describe a mere handful of bugs/errors. And with the next RC I propose we should report errors every time a new RC is issued, even if it is one we think is known. Otherwise we risk letting them slip by.

    Now it is time for me to finally shut up and go try the new build. Thank you again!
  10. coldcandor

    coldcandor Member

    Just thought I'd point this out, since it seems to be a pretty big deal for some people: I've played a bunch of characters that didn't get far and one guy that's on DL 7, probably 12 hours in, and I've had a single crash thus far in 1.0.10. it happened immediately upon completing a monster zoo on DL 6. The autosave had happened literally seconds earlier and worked perfectly upon reloading.

    I have noticed the stutter people have commented on now. The deeper you get in the game, the larger the save file becomes, because it is saving all information about the levels above you (which to my knowledge, this is the only roguelike that does that), so the deeper you get, the long a delay happens on each autosave.
  11. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    1.0.10 has worked flawlessly so far. No random crashes, no save corruption...very stable for me.

    One tiny bug I noticed-- if a Satanic Displacement Glyph is moved by a knockback skill, using a a glyph to get you there takes you to the spot where it originally spawned, not there it is now. It's usually just a few spaces away but it could potentially cause some issues.

    Edit: Second bug: If you use Animal Friend on a Diggle Commando that is invisible, there is no heart animation that shows up. So you can't tell if the ability has worked on them or not until you walk through them.
  12. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Seems stat boosts from items are still a bit out.

    Putting on an un-Anvilled ring of ash gives the +2 :resist_conflagratory: as expected, but the +2 stays there if the ring is removed, with the bonus only disappearing when any other piece of gear is removed/swapped as well.
  13. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I will look for a RoA to test that particular error. But I will point out that this does not happen with anything else I have tested. All my items seem to work as they should. Are you running 1.0.10 Wolg? And what OS?
  14. also on the lower levels the odds of disarming a spitter trap usually lie, it states 40% odds but can take 12 shots before you'd even disarm it.
  15. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The number of turns to disarm has been discussed quite a bit. Odds are just that. You can win the lottery every time for a million attempts, or play a billion times without winning. The RNG is just what it seems.
  16. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Wolg, I found a RoA and tested. I see what you mean, but I think you are a bit mistaken. Do the same but drop the ring. The boost from the ring is gone, right? It takes effect when a turn passes.
  17. Fayd

    Fayd Member

    ...That save method seems overly cumbersome to me, but that could be my complete lack of programming experience talking. Wouldn't it make sense to save each floor in its own subsave so you are only ever saving to one drastically smaller file at a time?
  18. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Technically speaking, you are right, Fayd. I'm pretty sure there's some data that would have to be saved to more than one file, but overall, if you are on the lower floors of the dungeon, it should make saving the game easier, as it would have to update the status of 2 or 3 floors at most, instead of the whole set.
    That is, if there really is nothing changing on the upper floors while you loot the lower ones clean.
  19. zefria

    zefria Member

    Short answer based on general program knowledge and not specific DoD code knowlege: No
    Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooo

    Basically, when you save the game the size of the file you're saving doesn't really matter. As long as it's within what the disk can quickly write (say 1mb) the user will never notice the difference. And saving a single file is as "simple" as taking your game's entire data structure and throwing it all into the file at once so you can copy it back into active memory later. Splitting each dungeon floor into a separate save file doesn't get you any advantage because now you have to process what goes where and then rebuild the data structure manually when you load, and makes it so that you can't load the game without every other floor's file.

    Now, if you mean make a separate auto-save slot each time the player gets to a new "deepest floor", and then if one is corrupted they can just load another autosave, that's another entire matter and is often a good option. Lots of games do that with their auto-saving, where they cycle among the 5 least recent other autosaves for the current game or whatever.
  20. Blind Piper

    Blind Piper Member

    Is there any method of letting an individual alter the autosave frequency? If there isn't, could such a thing be implemented? After I hit floor four, it takes almost a full minute autosaving every five minutes.
    SkyMuffin likes this.
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