This mod adds a new "Warrior" class skillset to the game. It's heavily based on John Carpenter's The Thing. It requires Realm of the Diggle Gods expansion. Thanks lads for the replies and help with coding! Download link at the bottom of the mod info. Install instructions inside the zip file. Enjoy! Horrid Thing skillset Years ago, you were attacked by some thing while looking for shelter to endure a heavy blizzard. You survived... kind of. This skillset also comes with a starting item, your old ragged winter coat. Your new self preservation mechanism sometimes makes you sprout defensive appendages when you get attacked. 25% chances to cast Lesser Sprout when hit. A 3 turns buff that cannot be triggered more than once. Gruesome Shape lvl 0 ability Instantly transform into a horrible thing. Giving new purpose to your bones and flesh to turn them into weapons, you can manifest that killing machine you carry within... for a limited time. The Gruesome Shape ability lets you turn into The Horrid Thing (Evil Magic Potato graphics) for 35 turns. The transformation will make most living foes next to you flee in terror for some turns. While in this form, you receive 1 Bur, 3 damage, 2 damage, 2 damage and -6 , -9 weaknesses. 60 turns cooldown. Absorb Biomass lvl 1 ability You can assimilate the biomass of dead foes by metabolically breaking them down as fuel and energy. Recycled flesh and bones, yummy! The Assimilate Corpse ability lets you consume a corpse for 10 life points and 5 Exp points but will get you the Digesting stackable debuff that will give you -1 Nim and 1 regen for 16 turns. It can be used normally and when in Gruesome Shape. 18 turns cooldown. Tendril Throw lvl 2 ability You can throw or spit innards and other body parts at your foes... You can always regenerate them back anyways. You can also use this when in Gruesome Shape. The Tendril Throw ability is a ranged weapon that will give a target the Tendril Crush debuff for 8 turns. It adds -1 Bur, -1 Nim, and -5 dodge. It also deals 3 damage each turn. It can be used normally and when in Gruesome Shape. 13 turns cooldown. Seize Victim lvl 3 ability You gain the ability to quickly overwhelm a victim while transformed into something else. Flesh creatures are absorbed while the rest are just crushed. 25% chances to cast Greater Sprout when hit. A 3 turns buff that cannot be triggered more than once. The Seize Victim ability can only be used while being in Gruesome Shape, Werediggle Form and Transylvation. It deals draining damage to Animals, Vegetables and Demons, the rest will get damage instead. It will make most living foes flee in terror for some turns if they survive this attack. In addition, if the target is Animal, Vegetable or Demon, you will get the Digesting stackable debuff that will give you -1 Nim and 1 regen for 16 turns. 30 turns cooldown. Skin Trap lvl 4 ability You have developed a new strategy your enemies will never expect. By quickly removing a layer of your skin to be used as a sac, you can wrap an adjacent monster. The helpless creature will be unable to move and will also suffocate until the sac breaks. The Skin Trap ability lets you paralyze an adjacent enemy for 6 turns. It adds -10 dodge and -10 block to affected victims. It will also deal 1 damage each turn. 22 turns cooldown. Digestive Vomit lvl 5 ability You sometimes throw your gastric juices up like everywhere around you as a self defence weapon. Also, if you are in Gruesome Shape, you can throw up at the enemy of your choice. Nasty business but useful. 10% chances to cast Digestive Vomit when it. A counter attack that deals 4 bleeding damage to any enemy surrounding you. An active version of Digestive Vomit ability. It can only be used in Gruesome Shape and deals 8 bleeding damage to an adjacent target of your choice. 13 turns cooldown. Spore Clouds lvl 6 ability Grow biomass pods and fill the air around you with dangerous spores! All foes covered with spores will start to intoxicate and disolve. The spores will also confuse them, making them easy to prey upon. Can only be used in Gruesome Shape. Casts a cloud screen around you that deals 6 damage, 6 damage and causes confusion for 12 turns. 31 turns cooldown. Ultimate Horror lvl 7 ability You have become the most dangerous horror in this dungeon. A true killing machine! 15% chances to cast Horrid Sprout when hitting an enemy. A 3 turns buff that cannot be triggered more than once. The Ultimate Horror ability lets you cast a non-stop buff that will change every 11 turns between the next 4 options: 25% chances to cast Fast Horror. It adds 2 Nim, 5 dodge and -1 -1 weaknesses. 50% chances to cast Strong Horror. It adds 2 Bur, 5 melee and -1 -1 weaknesses. 75% chances to cast Resilient Horror. It adds 10 armor, 5 block and -1 -1 weaknesses. 100% chances to cast Deadly Horror. It adds 2 Cad, 5 critical and -1 -1 weaknesses. 25 turns cooldown even though it is not necessary to use it ever again once it has been casted. Note on self preservation buffs: The Lesser Sprout, Greater Sprout and Horrid Sprout are defensive and offensive appendages that will be at your disposal in fights. They add useful stat bonuses but each add weakness to damage. When you reach all Skills, you will be able to sprout up to 3 appendages at the same time. Lesser Sprout: 20% chances to cast Eyestalks. It adds 1 sight and -1 weakness. If not: 35% chances to cast Fangy Bite. It adds 1 damage and -1 weakness. If not: 50% chances to cast Bony Slash. It adds 1 damage and -1 weakness. If not: 100% chances to cast Fleshy Slap. It adds 1 damage and -1 weakness. Greater Sprout: 20% chances to cast Sharpy Spikes. It adds 1 damage, 1 damage and -2 weakness. If not: 35% chances to cast Nasty Spit. It adds 2 damage and -2 weakness. If not: 50% chances to cast Choking Tendril. It adds 2 damage and -2 weakness. If not: 100% chances to cast Gastric Gas. It adds 2 damage and -2 weakness. Horrid Sprout: 25% chances to cast Chest Maw. It adds 1 damage, 3 damage, 1 damage and -3 weakness. If not: 50% chances to cast Combat Eyes. It adds 6 EDR, 3 counter and -3 weakness. If not: 100% chances to cast Split Head. It adds 3 damage, 2 damage and -3 weakness. Known Issues: No issues anymore. Latest updated fixed all the conflicts with the main game. Steam Link:
Looks interesting. Don't suppose the diggle form will get a digging ability as well. Also curious to find out if taking this and Werediggle will net you the abilities of both trees from being in diggle form.
I think I like the general idea. Though I don't think preventing the player from eating and gaining health at all is a good idea - Vampirism is already like that so it would either be too similar to it, or too exploitable when combined (hint: the only way to disable eating *and* regeneration is to use the vampirism tag). Perhaps a negative buff when you eat something (just like what happens when you have Killer Vegan, but with everything that you eat instead of just meat) and a steadily-decreasing health regeneration stat would be better, for an ability to absorb health diminished from that of Vampirism (or even one that has a low-to-mid cooldown and has to be activated manually, something like a single draining attack; sort of like Seize Victim, but less potent, with Seize Victim possibly moved up one slot).
Actually, all Werediggle Form abilities are available for the Imitate Diggle ability and vice versa. which is making me to think about just taking out the Imitate Diggle ability altogether. I will replace it with this one: Gruesome Shape Instantly transform into a horrible thing. Giving new purpose to your bones and flesh to turn them into weapons, you can manifest that killing machine you carry within... for a limited time. [Insert ability stats and spell here] I will make it possible to use Absorb Biomass, Seize Victim and an active Digestive Vomit ability while in this form. In addition, I will also make it possible to use Seize Victim as a bonus ability while using Werediggle Form from the Werediggle Curse Skill. I know how to do this thanks to the time I thought I wasted trying to figure out how replace core skillsets and items without having to replace the core files themselves. *Suffer sudden flashbacks* My head still hurts. Well, that answer my question then. Since it can't be done then I'll just think about something else. Maybe a -100 regeneration thought I think that is not going to do anything, just prevent you from having total benefit from any life regeneration item or spell or ability. Also, I think I'll take your advice then. I'll take the passive life stealing and have an active one added with a cooldown smaller than the one in Seize Victim.
No idea yet. I made it a warrior skill since it doesn't use mana, just cooldowns and some a negative debuffs.
Warrior seems to fit as it has mostly melee attacks and no magic abilities. Of course, Werediggle Curse also has mostly melee attacks as well so whatever you feel fits best.
For some reason, the digestion debuff runs with anything that gets hit with it, instead of just Animal and Demon. I can't seem to find the problem with the code. Maybe it's not possible to use the same taxa more than once? Also, main page updated. Code: <spell name="Seize Victim" downtime="30" type="adjacent" icon="TehThing Skill/SeizeEnemy_32.png"> <effect type="drain" taxa="Animal" transmutative="10" piercingF="0.25" /> <effect type="drain" taxa="Demon" transmutative="8" piercingF="0.25" /> <effect type="damage" taxa="Vegetable" crushing="7" crushingF="0.25" /> <effect type="damage" taxa="Other" crushing="5" crushingF="0.25" /> <effect type="damage" taxa="Undead" crushing="3" crushingF="0.25" /> <effect type="damage" taxa="Construct" crushing="3" crushingF="0.25" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Digesting" taxa="Animal" /> <effect type="trigger" spell="Digesting" taxa="Demon" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/corpus_burst/corpus_burst" frames="4" framerate="90" centerEffect="0" sfx="fleshbore" /> </spell> <spell name="Digesting" type="self" affectscaster="1"> <buff useTimer="1" time="16" stacksize="8" self="1" icon="skills/hungry64.png" smallicon="skills/hungry32.png"> <primarybuff id="2" amount="-1"/> <!-- Nim --> </buff> <description text="Digestion will make you slower. You shouldn't be walking around killing stuff, you know?" /> </spell>
Yeah, I think it was something like that. Generally speaking, you should try to have as little "taxas" as possible in one triggering ability - using dummies for that (dummy ability gets called with no taxa, and then this dummy checks the taxa and triggers the effect you want) is probably the best solution.
Try adding amount="1" and see if it works then because with amount="0" it's essentially targeting the tile not the monster.
Thanks, Null. the amount="1" just fixed it. Also, I just finished the Digestive Vomit skill. It adds 2 abilities. -A passive one that has 10% chances to trigger when player is hit and will cause weak bleeding damage to anything around the player. -An active one that can only be used in Gruesome Shape that will cause strong bleeding damage to an adjacent target of your choice.
Evil Magic Potato don't deal but rather . Hopfully you could gain flying as well to go over traps. Edit: This skills tree also reminds me of prototype. Here is a youtube video of all abilities you could do that game !
Tehehe... This mod is based on John Carpenter's The Thing. an old horror movie I love: The player in Prototype and the enemies in Dead Space are based on this as well. Also, the Evil Magic Potato was the closest thing to The Thing I could find. Is there a way to create a new Polymorph creature? I was thinking about just using an edited version or just a red version of the Evil Magic Potato. Also, more info on The Thing alien:
Oh I know all about The Thing. I love that movie and have watched it about 3 times this year alone. Also I am really exciting about this mod. I was just thinking that the moves on prototype might helped suggest some moves for this skill tree.
I'll take a look at the Prototype Wiki. I don't remember well the abilities in that game. Also, I was thinking about the Self Preservation starting ability... The self defense mechanism of The Thing can generate appendages, limbs, and other body parts of previously assimilated anatomies. So maybe making them do different damage types? Maybe I'm complicating this skill too much. 6% chances to cast Fangy Bite when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. 6% chances to cast Bony Slash when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. 6% chances to cast Fleshy Slap when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. 3% chances to cast Nasty Spit when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. 3% chances to cast Choking Tendril when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. 3% chances to cast Gastric Gas when it. A counter attack that deals 1 damage. Edit: Another idea to make these damages actually make damage is to make them buffs that last like 2 or 3 turns so it adds to your general pool damage instead of just cause 1 of their own.
Well, it's still possible to simply make a trigger skill that would have a 27% chance of activating, that would trigger one of those at random. But then again, I think it would be better to have less damage types for the skill (and also slightly lowered trigger chance), and slightly increased damage (perhaps scaling with burliness minimally, so that it would start with 1 point of damage but deal something like 3-4 points in the end-game, because with 6 different damage types and an average of 0.27 point of damage every time you get hit (that is likely to be resisted either way), most players would probably think it's a mockery.
Well, I made it work anyways. I made them buffs so they add to your general damage pool for 3 turns instead of just being a 1 damage counter. It cannot be triggered again until the one running ends. Took me a while but it works this way: 25% chances to cast the buff when hit. If it does cast then: 15% chances to cast Nasty Spit. It adds 1 damage. If not: 15% chances to cast Choking Tendril. It adds 1 damage. If not: 15% chances to cast Gastric Gas. It adds 1 damage. If not: 70% chances to cast Fangy Bite. It adds 2 damage. If not: 70% chances to cast Bony Slash. It adds 2 damage. If not: 100% chances to cast Fleshy Slap. It adds 3 damage. Last one does more damage because it has a lot less chances to happen than the rest. Somehow, it works by some kind of First-to-Last priority. Like for instance, if I put Nasty Spit last, it would never happen because it would check Fleshy Slap first, which has 100% chances to cast. Also, I'm thinking about making that damage scaling thing Kazeto mentioned. I have no idea how but I'm sure I can just find something like that in the spellsDB.
Right now you can't add the scaling into buffs, though damaging skills (like this one was in the previous thought iteration) can be scaled easily. But with this being a buff, and most likely something that melee characters will use, I'm not sure if the scaling would be needed - after all, buffs don't get "too weak" as easily as non-scaling attacks do, since they add to your strength, which should be increasing at an appropriate rate.