I love Dungeons of Dredmor and I'll admit I enjoy achievement hunting once I have beaten a game. Dungeons of Dredmor already has a vast replay value without achievements taken into consideration; but I've noticed there is room for more to be added (which means more fun and challenges). I can't draw to save my life so there will simply be achievement names and descriptions. Feedback and your own ideas are welcome; especially if you can think of a better name and description for one. Some have reference to songs, movies, video games, and pop culture. See how many you can find/make suggestions on ones without them. Most names suck, but the ideas are there so . Another Dred Bites The Dust --------------------------------------- Vanquish Lord Dredmor ten times It Was Self Defense, I Swear ---------------------------------------- Defeat 2,500 inhabitants of the dungeons Danger In The Dungeons ------------------------------------------- Defeat 5,000 inhabitants of the dungeons License To Kill --------------------------------------------------------- Defeat 10,000 inhabitants of the dungeons Silence Of The Diggles ----------------------------------------------- Defeat 25,000 inhabitants of the dungeons Hammer Of The Gods ------------------------------------------------- Forge 1000 pieces of gear Watch Your Step -------------------------------------------------------- Craft 1000 traps Fort Knox ----------------------------------------------------------------- Produce 1000 ingots Brew Master -------------------------------------------------------------- Distill 1000 beverages Clean Up In Aisle 4 ----------------------------------------------------- Grind 1000 food Gluttonous Consumptions -------------------------------------------- Digest 5000 portions of food I Did WHAT Last Night!? ---------------------------------------------- Consume 5000 alcoholic beverages Bottled Fame And Glory ----------------------------------------------- Consume 5000 potions Tales From The Mystery Machine -------------------------------- Consume 5000 mushrooms
Am I Going The Right Way? ------------------------------------------- Descended 10 floors in the dungeons Digging My Way To China --------------------------------------------- Descended 50 floors in the dungeons Billionaire Spelunkers Club ---------------------------------------------- Descended 100 floors in the dungeons Dug My Way To China -------------------------------------------------- Descended 150 floors in the dungeons Knock Knock ----------------------------------------------------------- Kicked 1000 doors open ...And Behind Door Number 1 ----------------------------------- Kicked 2000 doors open Excessive Accessibility --------------------------------------------------- Have 1000 lockpicks in your inventory at once I, Tobias ------------------------------------------------------------------- Have 2000 lockpicks in your inventory at once Archaeology 101 ----------------------------------------------------------- Obtain 100 artifacts Collector Of Ancient Antique ------------------------------------------ Obtain 250 artifacts X Marks The Spot -------------------------------------------------------- Obtain 500 artifacts Retriever Of Lost Things ----------------------------------------- Completed 50 quests from the Statue of Inconsequentia This Shrine Looks Familiar ------------------------------------------- Completed 100 quests from the Statue of Inconsequentia Commander And Conqueror ------------------------------------------ Completed 250 quests from the Statue of Inconsequentia All I Got Was This Diggle T-Shirt ----------------------------------- Completed 500 quests from the Statue of Inconsequentia Born Again Lutefiskian ------------------------------------------------ 500 Lutefisk Tithed in the name of the Lutefisk God What Are Your Bidding My Master ------------------------ 1500 Lutefisk Tithed in the name of the Lutefisk God Lutefisk Cube Of Companionship ---------------------------------- 4500 Lutefisk Tithed in the name of the Lutefisk God Where Are Those Meows Coming From? ------------------------- 13500 Lutefisk Tithed in the name of the Lutefisk God
Don't Worry, I'm A Professional ------------------------------------- Successfully (?) fail at disarming a trap 5> times Paid Your Respects ----------------------------------------------------- Examine the graves of fallen heroes Is It Dead Yet? ------------------------------------------------------------ Defeat an enemy after it has been revived Don't You Know Who I Am? I'm The Digglenaut #@&%! ---------- Break 500 walls with The Mighty Auger skill Sucker Born Every Minute -------------------------------------------- Buy Horse Armour from Brax Dred-dog Millionaire -------------------------------------------------- Collect 2,000,000 Zorkmids in a single playthrough The Envy Of Pirates ----------------------------------------------------- Collect 5,000,000 Zorkmids in a single playthrough It Prints Money ----------------------------------------------------------- Collect 10,000,000 Zorkmids in a single playthrough 99 Problems But A Zorkmid Ain't One ----------------------------- Collect 25,000,000 Zorkmids in a single playthrough Sell ALL The Things! ---------------------------------------------------- Collect 40,000,000 Zorkmids in a single playthrough I Move For No Man ----------------------------------------------------- With 10-6% HP remaining kill an enemy in melee combat 'Tis But A Scratch --------------------------------------------------------- With 5-2% HP remaining kill an enemy in melee combat It's Just A Flesh Wound ------------------------------------------------- With 1% HP remaining kill an enemy in melee combat
Those I like, and getting one of the "money" achievements and one of the "kill while being damaged" achievements would probably be good too (though one instead of all three, because making it into different percentages with low range will only serve to frustrate the players). The rest of them, they feel kind of... grindy, with nothing to really achieve in them.
How about a few for getting ridiculously high stats? Such as: Then We Hide In Plain Sight ----------------------------------------------------------- Get 100 Sneakiness Combo Wombo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Counter 10 enemy attacks in a row Dungeons of The Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy ------ Dodge 10 enemy attacks in a row Armored To The Teeth --------------------------------------------------------------------- Completely absorb a hit from Dredmor just to rattle off a few I could think of
Pretty much this. Also HowlingLotus, if you want achievements, then GLG should fix those bugged ones first and care about adding new achievements later.
How has this not been said yet? Cheese Wiz..........................Consume one of every type of cheese