While I really enjoy throwing things in DoD, I generally find the Thrown skill tree to be underpowered. I think the addition of a a capstone that allowed you to throw any weapon,or perhaps even any item, would be a really cool addition to the tree, probably as a capstone. I'm not familiar with coding or the modding process so I have no idea how hard something like this would be to implement but it has a ton of flavor potential. I mean, who doesn't want to throw nasty cheese and Atma weapons at their enemies? Throwing CoE items would obviously be really powerful, but you'd never get them back, and any item without any built in damage stats would run purely off of your own bonuses making them effectively worse than baseballs. YOu could even attach penalties for throwing stupid stuff. (You didn't really expect to hurt Dredmor with Lutefisk did you?) Also, the possible beginnings of FF Tactics style chemist skill set. Throw Fenix Downs to kill Zobmies! Ok, I'll stop talking now.
I will not comment on what may or may not be in development, but you may be suprised to see some sort of chemist themed content in the future, maybe.
I don't really think something such as being able to throw anything would be doable, unfortunately. Or at least, not without a huge amount of coding work. Since throwing items are on their own category of items, it would be impossible to use the other items without converting them on the fly, or something like that. Which would make them unusable otherwise.
Well, it would be possible to do it quite easily if there was an additional "thrown weapon" slot into which you inserted your current thrown weapon, and additional skill that is used to throw whatever you have in that slot. But for most players, such a change would only mean more tedium.
Simply create a skill similar to "It Belongs In a Museum" which may be used on any item, and turns the item into an "improvised thowing weapon." Similar to the Cube, but more useful for a thrower. This could be a capstone skill, in which case I'd make the damage something like 4. Or make it the first skill, and have the damage be 0. I'd be pretty happy with either solution.
Well, because then I'd need to manage a bunch of different stacks. ;( Although if it used star rating to select between 2 different base damages - that would be cool.