Noob question about Mods

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Nogueirn, May 3, 2012.

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  1. Nogueirn

    Nogueirn Member

    I know this may be a noob question but when I try to install multiple mods the "mod.xml" and "spelldb.xml" always try to replace each other. What can I do to try and make this work?
  2. TheJadedMieu

    TheJadedMieu Member

    Only unzip the mods if the zip contains a folder with the mod's name. If the zip just has mod, skill, sprites, etc. folders, just put the zip in your mod folder.
  3. Nogueirn

    Nogueirn Member

    I put the zip in the mod folder and there's still no option to select them in the launcher
  4. Nogueirn

    Nogueirn Member

    I also
    I also tried unzipping and putting the folder in and still no dice
  5. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Tell me what OS you have and what the full path to your mods folder is.
  6. Nogueirn

    Nogueirn Member

    Forget it I got it :D
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    There wasn't really any reason to bump this week old thread.
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