So I've made a new character with Fleshsmithing + Killer Vegan. I would like the zombie and Animals I befriended be more like mustache.Sure it was interesting to pin down diggles to the wall with my zombie, but soon it became too time consuming, On the 2nd floor I came to the room with 6 bats. And I watched, for like 90 turns, my zombie chasing a particular one... would be much easier if he attacked the closest one (or the one I targeted) quite amusing he was dancing for me. I'd assume that Infernal Contract and Release the Hounds act that way too? please confirm and write down if any pets were useful to you excluding mustache. Can we expect them to be improved in the next dlc? and Is this hard to do from programers point of view? if so I forgive you, I like my pets no mater what. Cheers from Michael
Promethean Magic has a Wyrmling that spawns in a tiny fireball that sets enemies aflame. That would make the chase more productive to say the least, not to mention cheaper.
Some do good damage early on, but if you're waiting for them to kill everything the game gets really slow. Past the first few floors they aren't really an offensive weapon. As OmniNegro said, on some floors the wyrmling's initial fireball can be very effective. In general, though, the best use for pets in the game is not to do your hunting, but rather to act as mobile shields. It's more effective to summon a pet in the middle of the monsters to set up sniping (the monsters stop and attack the pet instead) or between you and the monsters to buy time for buffs and healing. I prefer the Robot that Loves to the mustache, personally, because of higher damage and hp. Eventually, though, it gets useless too, and I could see the argument that the mustache's dodge becomes more important in match-ups where the robo dies in one or two hits. Release the hounds is fun and at least provides multiple speedbumps. Plus it's useful to rogues and warriors, so that's a plus.
What you are noticing is the fact that Befriended pets don't draw aggro the way other pets do. The Moustache, slime, wyrmling, Greater Fungi, and Robot all behave the same way - they draw aggro. That means that they reliably fight the monsters. Your animal friends don't, so they have to chance enemies all around the room. Playing vegan well means, unfortunately, learning to box in animals to give your friends uninterrupted chances to hit them.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't he reporting that the zombie from Fleshsmithing also had the undesirable behavior? So it's not just the animal friend aggro issue he's talking about.
Yea he only acts like that around animals, he aggroes all other mobs. I made another character without Vegan, and he worked fine, would be nice if vegan is fixed a bit