But I noticed you cant open chests or anything with the movement buttons and I don't see why not. You can kick doors and attack creatures but when it comes to opening objects it wont let you. I think it would be nice to be added as a feature.
If this were ever done there would be a perfect opportunity to change movement behavior to not attack on move a friendly creature when using arrows or WSAD. From what I hear, those crazy meat un-eating vegans would love that. By the way, I simply love your sig image. I want to kill it with fire too.
yeah sounds good to me the only thing they cant make accessible by movement keys are traps because then they would become useless
Traps are already 100% useless if you have any trapsense at all. Just use the mouse and you'll automatically walk around all traps you can see, and if one pops up in front of you, you automatically stop dead in your tracks before walking over them!
well i mean you still have to use that common sense if a menu showed up automatically then you wouldn't even need to watch for the traps just click to either disarm it or walk away
I'd actually have to pay more attention to the traps if I could automatically disarm them by walking; if I give in to the temptation to walk over all the traps I see, eventually I'll run over a trap that's too tough and be punished with death/grave peril for it as per many other roguelikes. As it is, I can just click traps mindlessly and go away unscathed if it's too tough to disarm; common sense doesn't matter a whit as it is now since either there is a great big dialogue box showing me that I might fail or there isn't and experience is mine. ..it occurs to me that I subscribe to the idea that I should be responsible for my own possession or lack thereof of common sense and that I don't need the game to have it for me even if I'm at serious risk of permadeath for failure to have it, maybe other people don't. Hm.
I am going to have to rub this post in on DavidB1111. He thinks the traps are to tough. He may be right, but he also oddly thinks there are no instant kill traps in most roguelikes. (Or I misunderstood him.) I have had leveled, decked out characters in a half dozen roguelikes die in a turn or two due to a bad trap like the odd mana storm traps and such. The summon traps were the worst. Nothing quite makes you want to reroll like spawning DarkGod or a dozen CyberDemons because you were not watching carefully enough.
Cyberdemons? You must have been playing Ao100, I've never seen multiple Cyberdemons from a lever in a regular game of DoomRL. Now, Archviles on the other hand, I have seen (and slaughtered, those were good times and a hell of a rush to pull off even though I knew I was taking my life into my hands).
DoomRL is a good example, but there are a dozen or more roguelikes that have them in it. Chengband/Hengband and a bunch more.
problem is you wont just get that pop up your just asking for traps to be even easier to disarm now instead of having the possibility of you accidentally stepping on them you skip to just a dialog box so i disagree your making traps more obsolete