Is there a trigger for critical hits received or critical hits dealt? Has anyone used Trigger on Dodge in their mods? I'm curious to see how it works, and if its restricted to the player dodging or the monster dodging, or if it works for both. I know there's an attribute number for max health/max mana, but is there any attributes allowing us to scale against current health, or missing health(To get the inverse?) I saw the manual for creating rooms, items and monsters. Is there a manual for skills/spells/ui/crafts(I haven't read the full item manual, if that's included in there.) Any other neat conditional type functions that I should know about? I saw a small list of triggers when I did a search, but I haven't found anything outside of that. Any interesting mod files I should look at? Any particularly ingenious modders who can I steal from exploit use reference? I used to be a developer for a text based game, and I'm familiar with content building for graphical games. Tag based languages are pretty easy to pick up given some basic examples of the structure. Thus far, I've used a few of the mods I've seen here and some of the source files to construct a fair chunk of a mod I'm working on, but there's some ideas rattling around in my head that I'm trying to bring to life.
So, from the beginning: Re:1: There's the "criticalBuff", and while I'm not sure if it works in this version (I didn't need to use it so I haven't checked, but it should work), it is supposed to work for both the player and the monsters. Re:2: It works for both; the attacker is treated as the target, and the buff's owner can be targeted by using abilities that affect oneself. Re:3: I think there was one for health somewhere, you'd probably have to ask Null or someone else who likes fiddling with Dredmor's innards. The other one is not there, but who knows, maybe you'll be able to find some way to emulate that. Re:4: No. Re:5: It depends on the mod you are creating, but the easiest way to catch them all would be to visit the reference thread. Re:6: If it's for learning purposes, then I'd begin with Ruigi's and Essence's stuff. Theirs are pretty simple mods that do some wacky things, so you might learn a lot about weird code in DoD. After that, pretty much every quality mod; I'm sure you'll learn to recognise which mods are like that as you start fiddling with the code.
This is almost entirely what I needed. .. How did I miss that? Thanks a heap. I apparently need the obvious told to me sometimes.
1) CriticalBuff goes off whenever it's user criticals. If you put it in <buff> tags and give it to a monster, it will go off when the monster crits, otherwise it's whenever the player crits. 2) Yes. The Ninjitsu skill in Compleat Essential Skills (see my sig) has a level that uses TriggerOnDodge to turn you invisible every time you dodge. 3) No. 4) Not yet. Basically just look at the best existing mods (I'd start with Runecaster, Chronomancy, FaxPax, Compleat Essential Skills, and Barrier Maiden if you're looking into modding skills. For much of anything else, start with Interior Dredmorating for rooms, Roguish Renovation for items, and Debacle of Diggles for monsters.) 5) In the Visual Spell templates...thread, there's a link to the compleat list of spell effects available; it's a page Null made for the wiki. It's pretty damn solid. Other than that, pay special attention to requirebuffontrigger, requirebuffonnottrigger, and removebuffbyname; they're basically the core "logic engine" of DoD mods. 6) See answer 4. Post everything you're doing, and have fun!