Roguish Renovation

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by lccorp2, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Back off topic.

    My particular candy OCD(though it's not as bad as it used to be) is to eat them in pairs, alternating the colors, thus I'd end up with an abundance of the most common ones at the end, and odd ones out were annoying.

    Aside from that I'm an aspie, and have minor attention issues(I get distracted easily if I'm bored, but anything necessary or interesting gets focused on until done, or sleepy, I've been known to finish especially thrilling novels in one sitting, and answer questions without being aware they were even asked or that I'd answered afterwards when I'm too focused on something).

    OmniaNigrum and Kazeto like this.
  2. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Jail Convenience Store's width is 12 when it should be 13.

    McDiggle's height is 12 when it should be 14.

    Tasty Tofu's top line has an extra space.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  3. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The chain of error messages on startup is annoying, but would any of this cause it to crash when it tried to make a level with those rooms? (If so then I need to disable the mod until it is fixed or until I figure out how to fix it myself.)
  4. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    No idea. Probably what it'll do is never use those rooms.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  5. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    Ach! Fixed! Releasing new product in 3...2...1...
    Essence and OmniNegro like this.
  6. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    \Roguish Renovation 0.47\mod\itemDB.xml(418):  <triggerondodge percentage="20" name="Adventurer Aikido" />
    triggerondodge should be dodgeBuff.

    You have some malformed XML in your monDB.xml file, starting at line 176. It's a monster that's commented out, and inside the comment is other ccomments. This is not legal in XML. The game doesn't crash because of it, but string XML parsers do, like the one I'm using for You need to remove the <!-- and --> from inside the comment. You can add them back later if you ever uncomment the monster.

    <monster type="3" subtype="13" name="Death Cap" level="1"  tiny="1"  taxa="Vegetable">
        <idleSprite left="sprites/monster/mush/mush_run_l.spr"
        <attackSprite left="sprites/monster/mush/mush_atk_l.spr"
        <hitSprite left="sprites/monster/mush/mush_hit_l.spr"
        <sfx attack="vegetable_attack" hit="vegetable_hit" die="vegetable_die" spell="vegetable_spell"/>
        <dieSprite name="sprites/monster/mush/mush_die.spr"/>
        <castSpellSprite name="sprites/monster/mush/mush_atk_d.spr"/>
        <ai aggressiveness="4" span="12" />
        <stats numFig="3" numRog="2" xpValue="16"/>
        <secondarybuff id="0" amount="-5"/> <!-- hp -->
        <secondarybuff id="7" amount="2"/> <!-- block -->
        <secondarybuff id="10" amount="1"/> <!-- armour -->
        <damage slashing="1" toxic="2" necromantic="1" />
        <resistances piercing="1" necromantic="2" toxic="2" conflagratory="-2" />
        <info latin="(fungus amungus)" text="These poisonous fungi grow near corpses and are often coated with a thin sheen of spores and toxic slime."/>
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  7. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    To quote the quick reference thread.

    fireCrossbow (as CrossbowShotBuff, but doesn't require your bolt to hit it's target)
    boozeBuff (this and all following are planned for 1.0.10 and not currently available.)

    And to quote the game files:
    <triggerondodge percent="30" name="Adventurer Aikido" />
    (1.0.11 RC5)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  8. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Again, don't just quote things. Test it.

    Aikido For Adventurers is an ability, not an item. The code is not the same.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  9. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    \spellDB.xml(21): <primaryburesistff id="1" amount="3"/> <!-- Sagacity -->
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  10. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    All fixed and will be going with the next version. Thanks, Glazed.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  11. Adjanikm

    Adjanikm Member

    i have a problem where blood knight always appears in my skills list, even if i have not chosen it.
    it always replaces radiant wizard.
    Here are the mods i currently have installed:
    A Debacle of Diggles
    Clockwork Knights
    More grilled Cheese
    Crafty Crafterworks
    Essential skills complete

    Thanks in advance.
    By the way, i loved the mod.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  12. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    What version of the game and the mod are you using? Something is very wrong for it to work like that.

    The new Beta RC uses Clockwork Knights as a standard skill, so you do not need the mod for it once you update to the Beta Release Candidate.

    I am not using "More grilled Cheese", "Crafty Crafterworks" or "Masteries" currently, but I have used each of them in the past without this sort of problem.
  13. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Have a look at what skill ID it has, it's possible that it's conflicting. Also if it doesn't have a number, and you haven't updated to 1.0.10, it will behave like that. So if you're still running 1.0.9 RevB... and the mod maker used 1.0.10 introduced nomenclature...
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  14. Adjanikm

    Adjanikm Member

    Thanks, problem has been solved.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  15. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    The draconic power blessing from draconic shrines needs a longer duration: by the time I got to use it, it had worn off.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  16. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    Hmm, all right. Noted.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    I didn't know DoD had suicide booths.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  18. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    Yeah, the suicide pill's a food item, so it'll pop up in machines even if it's special.

    It's a nice way for players to be able to get one after the first five levels when the suicide pill rooms stop spawning.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  19. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Have you tried my Mod Validator?

    You have a large mod. It might be worth checking it for errors.

    Also, what operating system do you use, and what program do you use to create your zip files? Your zip format is not working well with the validator. To be specific, the zip file doesn't contain any directory entries, just files. The files have paths that imply directories, but there are no entries for the directories themselves.

    For now, just point it at the unzipped version.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  20. Dray`Gon

    Dray`Gon Member

    I still feel that calling it a suicide pill makes it much less likely to be consumed by the curious. The way the Pokémon egg was worded didn't specify that it would kill you though it did hint that it would be vary bad. You don't necessarily have to return it to it's Pokémon roots, but if you can at least re-adjust it's name (and possibly description if that also states that consumption equals death) so as not to clearly state that death will be a byproduct of eating the item, then that would work better, especially since, now that the Workshop is nearly ready, there will possibly be more people playing the mod that is not aware of this thread.
    OmniaNigrum and Essence like this.