You Have To Put The Feedback for the DLC In The Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, May 1, 2012.

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  1. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Some missing sprites, or simply bad paths in the XML:

    There is no "statue2" folder in any sprites folder.
    \expansion2\game\monDB.xml(8):    right="sprites/monster/statue2/statue_walk_r.xml" 
  2. jhffmn

    jhffmn Member

    I'd just like to give some feedback on the new and improved fleshsmithing. The skill line does three things very well. I'm a huge fan of the line now, and fine the line to be viable for several builds.

    1) You get a pet at level 1. This is huge! The first level of the dungeon can be a huge pain if you have no reliable or efficient way of dealing damage. This is great for anyone starting with veganism or mathematics or necromancy or heck just about anything. Casters generally find themselves struggling with animated cutlery, narcosomatic, or killing themselves with hex unless they take pyromancy for dragon's breath. However, while the pet is extremely weak and requires a corpse (it seems even weaker than the fungal arts pet) it is in my opinion too much at level one as that requires no point investment. But it's probably ok to have one line give a pet at level one considering the line has a lot of otherwise weak stuff.

    2) The heal heals so much. The heal is great. In a single cast you can nearly hit full hp. And the heal over time aspect allows you to heal damge you expect to take over the next few turns.

    3) Miasma clears zoos. And hey, how many relaible ways are there to quickly do this? Pyro and Necro and... I think that's it!

    So the line arguably does what necro does for a spell-powered melee almost as well in providing unlimited and powerful healing and the ability to clear zoos without the drawbacks. The line also makes the first levels less painful for many builds and offers zoo clearing.

    That said the other 3 abilities are not worth casting. Meatshield may as well be just a permanent stat buff. It's not worth the turn needed to cast it. Fleshbore being a dot that poorly scales and is divided into two easily mitigated physical damage types often does nothing. And corpus burts is redundant with miasma and far less effective. In any situation where there are corpses and several enemies nearby you are better off casting miasma which will likely kill them all in a single cast.

    If I had one quible, I'd drop the 8 hit limit on meatsheild and grant meatshield +8 block or so.
  3. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    While generating my GIFs Galore, I found some monster sprites that have some really odd values for Tint. The range is supposed to be from -180 to 180, representing degrees in a circle. Any values outside of that range just loop around to some value that is in that range. Some monsters have a value as high as 600.

    Here's a table of monsters that have numbers outside of the normal bounds and their "correct" values. I put correct in quotes because the current numbers work. They're just hard to make sense of. I had to add special handling to rotate their values to within the normal range.

    SourceName   Name                    PaletteTint ProperTint
    Expansion 2  Rogue Diggle Scientist  600         -120
    Expansion 2  Diggle Geologist        300         -60
    Expansion 2  Deep Diggle Chef        250         -110
    Expansion 2  Diggle Harbinger        220         -140
    Expansion 2  Deep Fungus Diggle      200         -160
    Core Game    Hungry Diggle           -200        160
    I have not completely tested these new values to make sure they result in the exact same tint, but my initial examination points to yes.
  4. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Negative tint values don't work well, in my experience.
  5. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    They work fine in my experience, and the core game is full of them. Between the core game and the two expansions there are 38 of them. I can understand using 0 to 360. That might even be a better standard. But 600? That's a bit odd.

    Speaking of tints, here are some monsters that share identical sprites and tints. I think it might be nice to change some of these up to give each monster a unique color. It may not be possible to tint some monsters differently, like the Batties. Tinting others differently may just be a bad idea. Obviously, Dredmor shouldn't get a palette change just because there are two versions of him. But some of the others could definitely use a unique palette, like the Diggles., Flamer/Whelps, Blobbies.

    Monster                   Sprite          Tint
    Blob of Corruption        blobby          165
    Animated Oil              blobby          165
    Deth                      deth            0
    Megadeth                  deth            0
    Red Deth                  deth            0
    Diggle Mage               diggle          150
    Deep Diggle Smith         diggle          150
    Djinn                     djinn           0
    s1Djinn                   djinn           0
    Flamer                    fire            0
    Dragon Whelp              fire            0
    Grandpa Mustache          greeny          0
    Mustache League Champion  greeny          0
    Lord Dredmor              lich            0
    Tougher Lord Dredmor      lich            0
    Lucky                     luck            0
    Far Darrig                luck            0
    The Common Cave Raven     raven           0
    Existential Raven         raven           0
    Abdead Corvid Monarch     raven           80
    Deep Raven                raven           80
    Big Red                   red             0
    Dread Collector           red             0
    Living Statue             statue          0
    Arcane Disruptor          statue          0
    Enchanted Plaguetato      tuber_beholder  75
    Golden Doom-Tuber         tuber_beholder  75
    r_b_bergstrom likes this.
  6. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    As an aesthetic consideration, It looks to me like the ravens are always flying 1 tile higher than they are. The bats look fine, but the ravens look like they are 1 tile higher and sometimes cause me to click on the wrong spot. I don't know if it would be easy to change or not but it's mildly annoying. ;)

    EDIT: I should clarify that looking at them side on is okay, but when they face you or you see their back is when it's hardest to tell.

    EDIT 2: Either I have gotten used to them or I must be going nuts. I just met 2 of them again and I didn't have any problem. Sheeesh... :confused:
  7. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Looking in text.xml, I think the continuous values for some verbs aren't being used due to improper spacing. Replacing the whole section with this should fix it:
      <verb text="Soar" past="Soared" continuous="Soaring"/>
      <verb text="Crunch" past="Crunched" continuous="Crunching"/>
      <verb text="Leap" past="Leapt" continuous="Leaping"/>
      <verb text="Tear" past="Tore" continuous="Tearing"/>
      <verb text="Shoot" past="Shot" continuous="Shootig"/>
      <verb text="Pounce" past="Pounced" continuous="Pouncing"/>
      <verb text="Pulse" past="Pulsed" continuous="Pulsating"/>
      <verb text="Eat" past="Ate" continuous="Eating" />
      <verb text="Stomp" past="Stomped" continuous="Stomping" />
      <verb text="Crush" past="Crushed" continuous="Crushing"/>
      <verb text="Fight" past="Fought" continuous="Fighting"/>
      <verb text="Dig" past="Dug" continuous="Digging" />
      <verb text="Dance" past="Danced" continuous="Dancing" />
      <verb text="Cope" past="Coped" continuous="Coping" />
      <verb text="Mince" past="Minced" continuous="Mincing" />
      <verb text="Pound" past="Pounded" continuous="Pounding" />
      <verb text="Mine" past="Mined" continuous="Mining" />
      <verb text="Love" past="Loved" continuous="Loving" />
      <verb text="Choke" past="Choked" continuous="Choking" />
      <verb text="Fail" past="Failed" continuous="Failing" />
      <verb text="Process" past="Processed" continuous="Processing" />
      <verb text="Masticate" past="Masticated" continuous="Masticating" />
      <verb text="Diggle" past="Diggled" continuous="Diggling" />
      <verb text="Delve" past="Delved" continuous="Delving" />
      <verb text="Shiver" past="Shivered" continuous="Shivering" />
      <verb text="Conquer" past="Conquered" continuous="Conquering" />
      <verb text="Ponder" past="Pondered" continuous="Pondering" />
      <verb text="Faff" past="Faffed" continuous="Faffing" />
      <verb text="Spin" past="Spun" continuous="Spinning" />
      <verb text="Venture" past="Ventured" continuous="Venturing" />
      <verb text="Dread" past="Dreaded" continuous="Dreading" />
      <verb text="Curse" past="Cursed" continuous="Cursing" />
      <verb text="Blaspheme" past="Blasphemed" continuous="Blaspheming" />
      <verb text="Faint" past="Fainted" continuous="Fainting" />
      <verb text="Loathe" past="Loathed" continuous="Loathing" />
  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Actually, there are a bunch of little errors in text.xml. Here is a fixed copy. It includes the changes from the preceding post.

    • Piercing damage: "It bypasses armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Conflagratory damage: "It is not affected by armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Hyperborean damage: "frost bite" -> "frostbite"; "It is not affected by armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Toxic damage: "It is not affected by armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Righteous damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Necromantic damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Acidic damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Putrefying damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Transmutative damage: "drycleaning" -> "dry-cleaning"; "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Aethereal damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Asphyxiative damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour."
    • Existential damage: "It bypasses your opponent's armour..." -> "It is not affected by your opponent's armour..."
    • Slashing resistance: "from attacks by attacks and weapons" -> "from attacks"
    • Voltaic resistance: "tough, thick conductive" -> "tough, thick, conductive"
    • Putrefying resistance: "which may" -> "which"
    • Burliness: "ones" -> "one's"; "hitpoints" -> "life points" (as that's how it's referred to later)
    • Sagacity: "wizard" -> "Wizard"
    • Magic Power: removed "and how much mana they drain when cast", as it is incorrect.
    • Qualities: alphabetized.
    • Materials: alphabetized; removed duplicate "bone" and "tin" entries.
    • Decor: alphabetized; "cuniform" -> "cuneiform"; removed duplicate "sequins" entry
    • Phonemes: alphabetized
    • Nouns: alphabetized; plural "cake" -> plural "cakes"; plural "death" -> plural "deaths"; plural "cod" -> plural "codfish"; plural "constitution" -> plural "constitutions"; removed duplicate "corn" entry; plural "leafs" -> plural "leaves"; plural "pruning" -> plural "prunings"; plural "testament" -> plural "testaments"
    • Adjectives: alphabetized; "daemoniac" -> "daemonic"; "efulgent" -> "effulgent"; removed duplicate "festering" entry; removed duplicate "loathsome" entry; removed duplicate "murderous" entry; removed duplicate "phantasmagoric" entry; removed duplicate "rhomboid" entry;
    • Ichors: alphabetized
    • Insults: alphabetized; added closing ? to "do you feel lucky, punk";
    • Random text: alphabetized
    • Verbs: alphabetized; "shootig" -> "shooting"
    • Architectures: alphabetized; removed duplicate "armory" entry; removed duplicate "bank" entry; "baudy" -> "bawdy"; "bineary" -> "binary"; removed duplicate "bordello" entry; "clerestorey" -> "clerestory"; removed duplicate "fjord" entry; "heartss" -> "hearts"; plural "house" -> plural "houses"; plural "kitchen" -> plural "kitchens"; plural "resting-place" -> plural "resting-places"
    • First names: alphabetized; don't think this is used for anything anyway.
    • Titles: alphabetized; "exhultation" -> "exultation"; removed duplicate "harbinger" entry; removed duplicate "portent" entry

    Attached Files:

    SkyMuffin, Kazeto and OmniNegro like this.
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Err. It does reduce the cost of magic spells. That's one of the features of magic power. Unless I've been mislead by people not only here, but my own experiences the few times I've used magic spells.
    The difference between 10 magic power and 0 for the cost of some spells is actually noticeable .
    It's even more noticeable when your gear can go from 0 to 30 Magic Power via a good amount of magic power boosting items.
    I was watching a Let's Play of Dredmor and it reduces the cost of the Robo summon from Golemancy a whole lot.
  10. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Spell costs scale inversely with Savvy now. The ratio is set per spell, and a minimum cost can also be defined. For example, here are the stats for Obvious Fireball:

    <requirements mp="18" savvyBonus="0.15" mincost="8"/>

    It's been this way since at least 1.09, I think.
    FaxCelestis likes this.
  11. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Some bugs on spell effects:

    The "name" attribute is for when the type="removebuffbyname". For triggers, the "spell" attribute is supposed to be used.

    \expansion2\game\spellDB.xml(1565):  <effect type="trigger" name="Arcane Capacitor Backlash" percent="5"/>
    \expansion2\game\spellDB.xml(1594):  <effect type="trigger" name="Arcane Capacitor Backlash" percent="40"/>
    \expansion2\game\spellDB.xml(1627):  <effect type="trigger" name="Arcane Capacitor Backlash" percent="75"/>
    \expansion2\game\spellDB.xml(1665):  <effect type="trigger" name="Arcane Capacitor Backlash"/>
  12. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Oh. Okay. Well, I was confused then. I do know that the video I was watching was from 1.09 Rev B. He won against Dredmor, and when switching around his gear, it lowered his spell costs at times.
    At least this makes it easier for Mages to wear heavy armor. :)
  13. jhffmn

    jhffmn Member

    I seem to be getting pretty frequent crashes to desktop. The following things seem to be triggering a crash.

    1) Recieving a reward item (either from quest or zoo), this seems to be crashing me about 25% of the time.
    2) Crashing upon level up. This has happened about 2 or 3 times.
    3) Crashing upon a named enemy from a quest appearing. This happened once, then I reloaded from the crash found the enemy and crashed again.

    The reward item crash is very frequent, it's making the beta difficult.
  14. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That's not my experience at all. Are you using some particular skill frequently that may be causing a memory issue?
  15. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I have noticed a lot of crashing as well. For me it always happens when I go to do something different than I was doing before. As in, picking up an item, using stairs, killing a monster something that is different from what I have been doing for the turns before. It's only happened around 8 to 12 times in the past week but it is annoying and is dangerous when I'm playing on permadeath. I do usually pick burglery and quite often archeology. I also like the throwing and crossbow skills. But I haven't limited myself to just those, sometimes I play completely other builds with none of those skills.

    EDIT: Also I should mention that I was using the beta before without any crashes. Since I got RotDGs is when the crashes with the beta going were noticed. I have Windows XP with Steam but am running the game directly from the exe file.
  16. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    If you delete the expansion/ directory, do your problems go away?
  17. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Rooms bug:

    This should be "loot".
    \game\rooms.xml(2412):  <treasure type="artifact" x="4" y="2"/>
  18. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I'm trying this now, so far no crash but it could be a day or two before one happens to me or 3 to 5 can happen in one day. I never know.
  19. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Lines 2784 and 2785 of the expansion2/game/rooms.xml has

    <custombreakable name="Tree" at="8" png="dungeon/big_tree00.png" broken="dungeon/chest1_broken.png" visblock="1" percent="45" />
    <custombreakable name="Tree" at="9" png="dungeon/big_tree00.png" broken="dungeon/chest1_broken.png" visblock="1" percent="55" />

    but these should call for tree_big00.png. This causes a crash.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  20. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    New bug I think...

    I had a full inventory and burglary with Five-Fingered Discount. Opened a door and took a staff for me but because my inventory was full the staff disappeared.
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