That would be a lot of fun, especially now that there are filters in place in crafting, so you don't have to hunt through the recipes as much.
Sounds like you will be adding more stat variety to modifier based spells? (like sneakiness adding damage to shiv). I love those kind of changes and hope to see much more of them Although, don't take too much time out of odin development!
Exp2 RC4 seems to have saved wand lore from uselessness. Is it overpowered now instead perhaps? I'm suspicious of the fact that meat wands have unlimited supply, but do not deplete your mana. Mmm... maybe if the meatwand required you to be adjacent?
Are you saying you think *shades* your meatwand is too strong? YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I'm not so much worried about the effectively unlimited meatwand supply as I am with their basically bottomless HP and lutefisk potential. The rest of the wands, however, are awesome.
In this sense it isn't any different from say, the little red cookbook. It does give reliable, infinite ranged damage though, which I am not sure is actually broken but nothing else in the game really does. Perhaps wand lore can be special in this way.
Instead of Wands scaling off of magic power alone. Is it possible to have it scale off of multiple stats added together? I mean what if a wand did damage like 5 + (.1 + .1 +.1+ 2) which is 1.5*Character level + 2*Wandlore Level. (since the sum of Savvy+Cad+Stubborn = 5 no matter what type of skill you put your points in)
I've changed some -- most? -- of them to scale off new wand-specific spells that scale to the wandcrafting stat.
I'm putting salt (rather than saltpetre) in as a requirement for crafting the meatwand. *Something* has to slow the endless flow of meat.
This means wands found in the dungeon have these properties: If you don't have wandcrafting, they are less effective They do not suffer from armor maluses the way spells do They do not suffer from debuffs to sagacity and magic power Are you sure this is what you want? I can sort of understand the reasoning, but the first point doesn't seem like it was what was intended neccessarily.
Don't think of it as it being "they're weaker without wandcrafting". Think of it as "having wandcrafting makes them more powerful."
As long as the base effect is strong, and wand crafting just makes them a little stronger, that's a good thing. But if you need at least a couple levels of wandcrafting to make it ever worth your time to use a wand, that would be a shame. Haven't looked at the specific numbers yet, so I'm not sure where most of these fall on that spectrum. There's definitely room for a few that require wandcrafting to be worth it by mid game, but there should hopefully be some that work reasonably well (on more than just the first floor or two) without wandcrafting. Obviously, the non-damaging wands will still be just as good or bad as always regardless of wandcrafting levels.
This is not at all obvious. However with the exception of the coral wand, it is true. In the case of wands like the Tesla Wand, Bony Wand, or the Zodiacal Wand, they do not scale at all, non-damaging or otherwise. This is another implication to keep in mind, that heavily armored warriors will be able to craft coral wands as an effective way to heal. Note that I am not arguing against this, I just want to be clear that a change of this magnitude is actually what is intended.
Did coral wands scale to and I just never noticed? I'd assumed the heal per turn was a flat rate, not unlike a potion of healing. Dang, that misunderstanding is probably responsible for at least a couple character deaths. Anyhow, I think Kaidelong raises some very good points here. The ideal level for a coral wand's combo of healing potential and ease of crafting is to make it roughly comparable to Healing Potions. If it heals much more, then it should use a much less common reagent. If it heals a little bit more but over time instead of instantly, then it can be as easy as aqua vitae + rust. Healing potions have been available to warriors all along, but you don't see too many warrior alchemist builds. I really wish there were a Mac version of the DLC Beta so I could see how this stuff actually plays out. Sometimes what looks good (or really bad) on paper isn't quite the same as the in-game reality once all the ripple effects, inventory rates and RNG capriciousness get applied.
On the same theme, perhaps trap damage should scale to instead of . This actually makes a lot of sense to me, as tinkers will tend to forego some heavy armor options anyway and part of what they can do with their tinkering skill is make themselves heavy armor. It would also make mages less squishy due to the fact that enemy traps scale to player skills. Also whether or not coral wands scale to depends if they invoke the healing spell from Fleshknit or if they did something else. It is very possible that they do not in fact scale. I did not check that. I should have rephrased "with the possible exception of the coral wand".