Anti-Magic skill tree [WIP]

Discussion in 'Modding' started by congressional, May 16, 2012.

  1. congressional

    congressional Member

    This skill was my response to the realization that, while there is defense skill trees in response to physical combat, there really isn't anything for magic defense save for 2-3 spells splashed between random skill trees.

    About 2 weeks of remakes and balance changes later I've ended up with what I currently call Anti-Magic, However I'm thinking of changing the name to something monk related due to it's use of the stubbornness stat.

    Anti-Magic: Defense Against the Magic Arts 101: protect yourself from magic by ruining everyone else's magic. You'll never make any wizard friends this way, not like you wanted to.

    1. Dull Magic (name pending)


    2. Self-Aware


    3. Adventurer's Survival Kit


    This ability is meant to be a sort of last ditch survival skill, for when you step on a deadly DOT trap or are around a large number of spell casters. On use, this ability randomly teleports you using Froda's Jump Discontinuity. It then applies a 5 turn buff in which you gain 50 spell resistance, 50 spell reflect, and 5 resist in conflagratory, acidic, hyperborean, voltaic and toxic.

    4. Lead Armor


    When hit, there is a small chance that enemies directly around you will be given a 5 turn stacking debuff that deals extremely minor (i.e. 1 toxic) damage per turn and reduces block, dodge, and counter by 2. I might remove this debuff.

    5. Smooth Skin


    I couldn't make a magic defense tree without spell reflect. This skill, when used, grants you 10 magic resist and 15 magic reflect that is knocked off after 3 hits.

    6. Self-Righteousness


    7. Dullmancy - 25 to 15 mana cost


    Being the last skill in the tree it does quite a bit, is probably overpowered, and is why I made the tree so long in the first place. When cast on an enemy it steals, for 25 turns, 2 conflagratory, hyperborean, and voltaic resistance from an enemy, as well as 1 sagacity and 1 magic power. The fun of this skill comes from the fact that, not only does it stack, it also has a chance to steal other resistances as well. On cast, each of the below spells has an individual 25% chance of also being cast:

    Self-Aware Dullmancy - Steal 2 transmutative, asphyxiative, existential resistance + 1 sagacity & 1 magic power

    Lead Dullmancy - Steal 2 toxic, acidic, putrefying resistance + 1 sagacity & 1 magic power

    Self-Righteous Dullmancy - Steal 2 righteous, necromantic, celestial resistance + 1 sagacity & 1 magic power

    With a lot of mana, and a lot of luck, you could reach the stack limit of five on all four dullmancies end up with 10+ in all of your resistances, 20+ sagacity, 40+ magic power, and an unlucky enemy that will take obscene amounts of exotic damage thanks to all of it's negative resistances.

    Maxed out, without abilities, this tree fives +1 all exotic resistances, +10 stubbornness, and +30 magic resist.

    The tree isn't 100% finished but it's done enough for playtesting and feedback. Would love to hear opinions other than my own so I can apply the finishing touches.

    Attached Files:

    OmniNegro and Daynab like this.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Please tell me this in no way prevents you from casting your own spells? If it does then it is probably underpowered. But if not then it sounds good.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Should take away more magic power, maybe 2-3 on each level, or the 1st level should come with a triggeroncast that gives a % chance of silencing you for a short time -- something like 20% and 3 turns. Adventurer's Survival Kit should uncurse you as part of it's effect. Needs a new effect between first and second level to maintain the pattern. First level should be called 'blunt magic' and make a joke about weed.

    All IMHO of course.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The antimagic AoE spell in Emomancy is the sole reason I ever take Emomancy. I hope to replace it with this if it works out well.

    But seven levels to get a targetable antimagic makes this less useful to me. Could we perhaps move things a bit to put it on par with Emo? Dullmancy (Should be Dullomancy?) could be an early skill that develops more potency with additional levels in the skill. It could start as a single target spell that silences a single enemy at range, then later become an AoE, and later still gain the passives you have for it.

    Your mod, your call.
  5. congressional

    congressional Member

    The first spell of the skill tree was originally a large aoe anti-magic field, which silenced everything that touched it including the player. There was originally much more of a Part of the reason I ended up removing it was that I felt that it devalued the anti-magic spells in other trees. I've been thinking of more novel ways I could reintroduce since it really belongs in a tree like this.

    I like your idea, It's gonna take a while to reshuffle things, but I'm gonna fit it in.
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Awesome! I will look forward to more. I will also check and see if I can find a good example or ten of how to have a skill/spell grow stronger as you level the skill. (With added effects or larger/additional radius or even entirely new effects like transmuting the damage of the enemies spells into something similar to Wild Magic effects.)
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I do not know if you are part of the Beta DLC stuff, but Essence uses loads of effects in Warlockery that can be adapted to this sort of thing for the purpose of letting the same skill/spell get stronger as you further level the skill tree.

    Probably the easiest is just to have a reasonably chance of an effect happening over an area at the first cast, and adding more similar effects later on in a similar fashion. All of which are still tied to the first skill/spell. (Similar to how the different Arcane Capacitor effects used different numbers of the line:
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Arcane Capacitor Damage Dealer"/>
    and then added the additional effects like confusion and paralysis on the best hits to make it even better.

        <effect type="confuse" amount="6"/>
        <effect type="paralyze" turns="2" percent="75"/>
        <effect type="knock"/>
    The weakest of the AC hits used a few of that first line just as quoted, but the best of them had 30 of them. Crazy stuff. If this were applied to antimagic effects, each line could be 5% chance of silencing or even a 100% chance for one stackable turn up to twenty or so turns maxstack.