Please add option to disable auto game save!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by twochair, May 19, 2012.

  1. twochair

    twochair Member

    It's very very annoying! :( The whole game hangs for few seconds while being auto saved and this happens like every 10 mins or so. Please please add option to let us disable this auto save feature..
  2. mining

    mining Member

    Random crash => lose half an hour of progress => it was worth the 3x3 seconds lost.
  3. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Shouldn't each individual player be the one to decide this? It would be an option, so you'd be free to leave it on.

    If this option gets implemented, I also think that an "Save & Continue" option should be available in Permadeath games. There's no reason to exclude it. It could be used in lieu of autosaves. Before times autosaves became a feature, in fear of crashes I would regularly "Save & Quit" just to capture my progress, then immediately reload the same game. That was a real chore. If "Save & Continue" were enabled then players who disliked the autosave feature could disable it, but could still easily save at their leisure.