So the badass Glazed did a whole bunch of testing, and figured out that about half of the current triggers (still) don't work if you call them from inside of buff tags. To be specific: targetKillBuff crossbowShotBuff fireCrossbow thrownBuff triggeroncast triggerondodge consumeBuff all don't work from inside <buff> tags according to Glazed. Also, purely for uniformity's sake, triggeroncast should probably be copy-pasted into castBuff and given the percentage argument. The lack of triggeroncast inside <buff> tags is the most annoying to me, as Archmage relies on it for a couple of levels, but other modders have been hampered by pretty much all of these at one point or another.
If so, that would be the very first case-sensitive element in the game that I've seen. EDIT: Still doesn't work.
Yeah, OK. We pulled that one out of the .exe file with a hex editor and bugged Nicholas to tell us what it did. Apparently he told us what it was intended to do, but it never got hooked up. I'll remove it from the Visual Spell Templates post.