You Have To Put The Feedback for the DLC In The Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, May 1, 2012.

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  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    taxa doesn't appear to be working when called from inside <effect type="trigger" />

    <spell name="Spirit Steal" type="self" >
      <effect type="trigger" spell="Stolen Spirit" taxa="Animal" />
      <effect type="trigger" spell="Stolen Spirit" taxa="Demon" />
      <effect type="trigger" spell="Stolen Spirit" taxa="Other" />
    triggers off a construct:

    ...and this (from a mod, but it shouldn' t matter; it serves for example's sake):
    <spell name="Shakaaz's Might" type="target" icon="skills/spells/mustache32.png" wand="0" >
        <requirements mp="25" savvyBonus="0.3" mincost="10" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Summoning Circle" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Other" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Animal" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Construct" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Vegetable" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Undead" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Curse" taxa="Demon" />
        <effect type="trigger" spell="Shakaaz's Might Aura" taxa="Avatar" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="2" framerate="90" />
    triggers all effects on the target, regardless of taxa:
    taxabug1.png .

    Which means Blood Magic and Demonology (at the bare minimum) have some issues.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    ^^ THIS. J-Factor and I have oft bemoaned this fact. It makes for some very interesting acrobatics in at least a couple of our mods. :)
  3. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    My biggest issue is that right now, I don't think I can make a workaround for it, unless you and your enormous cranium can think of a way to taxa-limit a buff without using a trigger.
  4. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    It should work with a one-turn delay, but adding it to zero would be incredibly useful as well. The former also is using self; the player always matches all taxas.
  5. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    This has been around for a while, but I thought I would mention it in case it is a bug.

    When Perception and/or Burglary skills are chosen, Rarely is lockpicks found in the starting room. I am guessing that the loot command below is supposed to do this. If not, then maybe it should be loadout to place the lockpicks in the characters inventory. I am including the code below to show where it is. The lines affected are 161 and 166 in the skilldb.xml file in the regular games game folder.

    <skill name="Perception" id="25" type="rogue" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_PERCEPTION_MASTERY" description="You have good eyesight, and are more likely to be able to find traps and hit enemies.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_perception.png"/>
    <loot name="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="4" always="1" />

    <skill name="Burglary" id="26" type="rogue" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_BURGLARY_MASTERY" description="You can sneak around the dungeon, avoiding monster attention and occasionally stealing items.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_stealth.png"/>
    <loot name="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />

    I have never started with lockpicks in the characters inventory when I choose wither one or even both of these skills.
  6. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    It used to be loadout, the change to loot is recent, it didn't work when it was loadout either.
  7. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Could it be because instead of name it should be type?
  8. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Making that change had no effect.
  9. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    You used to get lockpicks when starting out with Burglary. I don't know when that was changed.
    I think it was with the RoTDG expansion.

    Also, are we ever going to fix monsters dodging when asleep? especially Witchy class enemies. How do mages dodge attacks anyway. :)
  10. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Hmm I tried changing it to <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1"> and that makes you start with 1 lockpick, which is progress at least. Apparently amount is busted, so to get 8 lockpicks you need to copy that line 8 times.
  11. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    I just changed both Perception and Burglary and got 2 lockpicks. You might be right about amount, I'm going to try more testing.

    EDIT: I just tried adding 3 more lines and got a total of 4 lockpicks with just burglary alone.
  12. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Ok, I tried moving the amount in case it had to be second in the list and it didn't work. Still only got 4 lockpicks. So I changed Perception and Burglary in my copy to give 4 lockpicks for Perception and 8 for Burglary. So temporarily, this works as is. If the amount ever gets working for lockpicks, will need to remove the extra lines or I will be flooded with starting lockpicks. :) Here is my code below in case anyone else wants to make the change.

    <skill name="Perception" id="25" type="rogue" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_PERCEPTION_MASTERY" description="You have good eyesight, and are more likely to be able to find traps and hit enemies.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_perception.png"/>
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="4" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="4" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="4" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="4" always="1" />

    <skill name="Burglary" id="26" type="rogue" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_BURGLARY_MASTERY" description="You can sneak around the dungeon, avoiding monster attention and occasionally stealing items.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_stealth.png"/>
    <loadout type="misc" amount="8" subtype="lockpick" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
    <loadout type="misc" subtype="lockpick" amount="8" always="1" />
  13. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Same as mine except I was lazier so the perception ones also say amount="8" because I copypasted from the burglary fix. :p
    Oh and I didn't try switching the position of amount in any line.
  14. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Hey, if I wanted to add Parachute pants to one of these skills, how would I do that? :)
    I don't know what to change, but I'd love to start with those. :)
  15. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    You need to create a loadout line that specifies parachute pants and place it in whatever skill you want to have the item load from. For example:

    <skill name="Magic Training" type="wizard" id="22" achievement="ACHIEVEMENT_MAGIC_TRAINING_MASTERY" description="Years of Wizard School has made your spells and use of mana more effective.">
    <art icon="skills/skill_magictraining.png"/>
    <loadout type="armour" subtype="Parachute Pants" always="1" />

    This will add the pants whenever Magic Training is chosen as a skill.
  16. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Thanks! Now I don't always have to enchant my fedora from the beginning.
  17. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Your welcome. It took me a little bit of looking and time to figure out how to do that. I even got a little help from some of the other modders to point me in the right direction. It always feels good to pass it on. :)
  18. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Well I finally got a crashdump, from entering a mysterious portal on floor 3.

    Had to zip it because forum doesn't allow .dmp files to be uploaded.

    Attached Files:

  19. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Line 757 of rooms.xml is for the 20X20 Large Treasury and it reads as:

    <loot at="5" />

    This never gives anything.


    Line 1499 of rooms.xml is for the Batty Cave and it reads as:

    <loot artifact="1" at="1" />

    I think it's wrong as nothing ever shows up at location 1. It should probably read as:

    <loot type="artifact" at="1" />

    This is in the current RC5 for the Beta so I don't think it's been fixed yet.
  20. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I got a few crashes entering mysterious portals to, but I don't know how to get a crash dump.
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