I think the game should have a brighter screen and clearer stats such as this mod http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/dungeons-of-dredmor-now-60-less-brown.2240/
For the love of the diggle gods, no. The mod you're linking to splashes re-tints around with zero regard for color theory. That mod dresses like a teenage boy, and uses color like a personal web page at the dawn of the internet (so says a 38-year-old who more often than not himself dresses like a teenage boy from the decade of the dawn of the internet). Blue jeans work with any t-shirt for purely cultural reasons; Blue is not a neutral color. Clearer stats? Sure, I can get behind that. I love the black-paper mod that just specifically makes resists and damages easier to read. I would be happy to see dbaumgart touch up black paper and slip it into an update, but the parts of the interface that are already easy to read should remain as-is. The game has a visual identity that works really well as a trade dress and fits the faux-fantasy/historical theme. Why fix things that aren't broke?
Well yeah I agree that the blue and such is out of place but the more brown and brighter screen is the parts I liked along with the clear to read stats