Yet More Food, Drink, and Recipes

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Frigga Triskaidekaphelia, May 22, 2012.

  1. I'm thinking of giving modding a try, and foods looked like a good place to start.

    Right now this post is just a space for brainstorming - but I suppose it's where the files will go once I have them.

    Foods Made w/ Ingot Press

    Beef Jerky x3
    "Tastes like leather, and just as tough"
    Grilled Steak + Salt
    (Alternate recipes may involve leather equipment)
    Regenerates 8 Health
    Not Vegan

    Diggle Toast
    Diggle Egg + Sliced Bread
    Regen 25 Health

    Dwarven Cheese Steak
    Sliced Bread + Ground Meat + Brie + Grunge Ear [Requires Skill 1]
    Regenerate 45 Health
    Not Vegan

    Quadtip Sandwich
    Sliced Bread + Grilled Steak [Requires Skill 1]
    Regenerate 24 Health
    Not Vegan

    Shis Kebab
    "The archeologoist Shis was so impressed by the Bacon Sword, he tried to make his own"
    Raw Steak (or Cube of Meat) + Pear + Wooden Arrow
    Regenerate 16 Health
    Possibly usable as a Sword as well
    Not Vegan

    Foods Made w/ Alchemy Kit

    Craft Singles x12
    "No animals were harmed in the making of this product..."
    Plastic Ore
    Regenerate 3 Health

    Vitriolic Mayo
    Egg + Oil of Vitriol
    Regenerate 5 Health
    After 5 turns generate an Acid AOE using Template 4
    Not Vegan

    Salt x4
    Acidum Salis + Lutfisk + Lutfisk + Lutfisk

    Food & Drink Made w/ Still

    Brady Apple
    "Like a candy apple, only better - hic"
    Apple + Brandy [Requires Skill x]
    Gain 5 Mana immediately, then Regen 10 Health and 10 Mana

    "Vat IP infringement? I vas drunk!"
    Dwarven Gut Rot + Solution of Gold
    Gain X Mana - Chance of getting a very impressive hat
    Not Vegan

    Foods Made w/ Grater

    Bloody Paul
    "Not to be mistaken for a Bloody Peter"
    Cube of Flesh (possibly also Aqua Vitae)
    Vampires gain 5-10 health, no effect o.w.
    Not Vegan

    Not a Food, but Thematically Appropriate

    Plastic Knife x4
    "Eventually the Elves started using plastic knives so they wouldn't have to clean up afterwards"
    Plastic Ore
    Sword, 1 Slashing

    Might also work in some spicy foods that use the Infernal Potion and some frozen treats that use the Hyperborean Potion.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    When you have a mod to test I would be glad to try it. Best wishes!
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    <veganpolice> Diggle Toast shouldn't be vegan because it contains egg </veganpolice>

  4. Werediggler

    Werediggler Member

    Uh, Daynab, I don't think this should be in the Complete Mods Index. There's no mod download here and he says it's a place for brainstorming. :L
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Err. oh. I somehow hallucinated a download link. Chalk it to me being sick I guess. Thanks for letting me know.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  6. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    *Off-Topic Alert!!!*
    I am sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you get well soon. (No, not just sucking up. I really mean it.)

    *Back On-Topic.*

    Anyone happen to know how the Bloody Paul will work? I did not know such a thing could be made. I have had ideas for skill specific items like Double-Diggle-Nog and Pirate-Port-Stash but I have no idea how to implement such things. (Both those would be drinks, but I have other ideas too.)
  7. Shwqa

    Shwqa Member

    <veganpolice> Refined white sugar and animal rennet is not vegan. Likely making slice bead, danish, and likely all cheeses in the game not vegan. <vegan police>